This year has been a tough cold and flu season, and while I have my usual brigade of medications, hand gels, and other solutions, one of the things that gives me the most relief when I am

Four Reasons NOT to Exercise
by Lori Sciame March 21st, 2025In most cases, I advocate for exercise. Moving your body keeps you healthy, and it boosts your spirits. So, why would I write an article about reasons not to exercise? Because there are actually valid reasons when it is best to skip a day, one week (or two) of exercise at certain times in your life.
Reason #1 - Illness
I have worked in the health

Does He Really Love You?
by Lori Sciame March 14th, 2025Flip through the pages of any woman's magazine, or peruse the relationship sites on the Internet, and you'll find dozens of essays on the topic of love. More specifically, many writers discuss in great detail what serves as proof that a man loves a woman. Some of the things discussed as signs of a man's love include:
- introducing a woman to his friends and
Four Health Mistakes Men Make
by Lori Sciame March 7th, 2025
Many men don't take the time to think about health. They have other things to do, including work, hobbies, child rearing, and a myriad of other activities. Honestly, a man's health many times takes a back seat to almost anything else. I have worked in the health field for over 20 years, most recently at a local public health department. From
Three Friends to Cherish
by Lori Sciame February 28th, 2025
Because humans are social, we realize our full potential when we connect with others. It doesn't matter if a person is an introvert or an extrovert, relationships must given top priority - even if the actual number of relationships varies greatly from one personality type to the next.
As an introvert myself, I have fewer connections than many
Prescription: Walk for Heart Health
by Jessica B. February 21st, 2025
I know you have probably heard it before, but one of the easiest ways you can boost heart health, starting right now, is by adding a little bit more movement to your every day routine.
It doesn't have to be a run or a bike ride. I'm talking about opening your front door and taking a short walk down to the end of the street