Nutrition | Health Eagle

Archives for Nutrition

Nutrition & Your Exercise Regimen

by MPK September 13th, 2024 | Health Observance, Nutrition

With a focus of Fall into Fitness this month, we've looked at various aspects of starting a new workout regimen and all of the benefits that it can offer. Another aspect of starting a new fitness program is the nutritional aspect. What exactly do you need to feed your body when you incorporate more exercise into your life?

Most importantly (in my opinion), do not be fooled into believing that you need to purchase all sorts of well-marketed products. If you are going to the gym for a

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Protein Sources for Good Nutrition

by Kimberly Hays August 30th, 2024 | Nutrition, Vitamins

We've all heard that proteins are essential for muscle growth, but they are also present in our organs and cells, and they are constantly breaking down. This is why it is important to have proteins in your diet on a daily basis to remain healthy. There are many sources, some surprising, which will assure that you are getting enough in your diet.

Eggs to Start the Day - Eggs are one of the most inexpensive options for protein. Although some people have heard that

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Family Meals and Nutrition

by Kimberly Hays July 22nd, 2023 | Nutrition
If one good thing has come from the poor economy, it is that families are starting to eat more meals at home instead or eating out so often. This gives everyone time to connect and find out what happened with everyone’s day, and leads to better nutrition. Studies have proven that children who eat together with their family make better food choices when it comes to snacking, and they will often choose fruits and vegetables more often over sugary snacks. They will also be more likely to refrain from alcohol and drugs, and do better in school. In addition,
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Nutrition Facts Label Changes

by Editorial Team March 6th, 2020 | Nutrition

Content Provided By Westfalia Technologies

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Healthy, Balanced Lifestyle

by Editorial Team March 10th, 2018 | Nutrition
We all know that you're supposed to workout regularly to keep oneself in good health. You also need to adhere to a healthy diet. One key component to a healthy diet, especially when exercising regularly, is protein. How is one to get protein into their eating regimen. Here are several suggestions.

1. Eggs

If you are morning workout person, like me, eating a breakfast of eggs after your workout is a great choice. For me, I usually choose egg whites topped with some salsa for extra flavor. If you prefer to add a bit more calories, feel free to include a yolk
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