Common Conditions | Health Eagle

Archives for Common Conditions

Lower Back Pain: Common Problem

by Kimberly Hays June 14th, 2024 | Common Conditions

Lower back pain is a common condition. It affects 90% of adults in the U.S. at some point in their lives. It is also a symptom, and not a disease, and most often, actually 80% of the time, a physical examination cannot determine the cause. Usually when no specific cause is found, the pain dissipates over time on its own. Lower back pain is second in causes of loss of work, following the common cold. Because lower back pain usually goes away on its own within a month, medical professionals

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Foods to Help Arthritis

by Kimberly Hays March 8th, 2024 | Common Conditions, Health Observance

As many as 50 million Americans suffer from arthritis. Arthritis literally means joint inflammation, and it is caused by several factors including genetics, environment, age, obesity, and age. Treatment for arthritis includes weight loss, physical therapy, assistive aids, physical activity, and medication to relieve the pain. A person with arthritis needs to learn self-management skills to help in their treatment. Besides regular exercise, a healthy diet is essential. Here we will look at some of the best food choices to help if you or a loved one has arthritis.

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Are You Sleeping?

by Joe Lawrence October 20th, 2021 | Common Conditions

Sleep is important. Do you get enough? What can you do?

According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults should be getting seven to nine hours of sleep per night. How many people actually do this? Sleep is the first thing sacrificed to make up slack from the day. We stay up late to finish that paper for school. We pull an all-nighter to wrap birthday or Christmas gifts. We get up super early to get to work early or to squeeze in the workout we can not make time for

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Health, Fitness, and Dietary Tips for Managing Diabetes

by Editorial Team August 17th, 2020 | Common Conditions

Finding out that you have a chronic disease with no cure is life-altering. Living with diabetes is not a death sentence, per say, however, when it’s not well-maintained the condition can result in everything from blurry vision and mood swings to amputations and even death. Though there is no cure-all solution, millions of individuals are able to manage their condition by making key lifestyle changes. By getting more in tune with their health, creating and sticking to fitness routines, and monitoring their dietary habits, most are able to live a happy and fairly normal life without many complications. Below,

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The Flu Shot Flopped for Seniors

by Kimberly Hays March 6th, 2020 | Common Conditions
A study released on February 22 by the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) states that the elderly were only protected by 9% with the flu shot this year. This statistic reflects on those who are 65 and over. Seniors were hardest hit, as their immune systems are weaker than those of other age groups. This year's strain of flu was also more intense than previous years, which makes for a harmful combination. The belief is that the vaccine failed in protecting everyone from the H3N2 strain, and this may be the reason why seniors were hit the hardest.

The H3N2
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