2010 | Health Eagle - Part 8

Archives for 2010

Vitamin Focus: E

by Louise August 20th, 2010 | Diet, Vitamins
This article is the last in a series focusing on the different vitamins. The other vitamins that have already been covered are vitamin A, the B vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin D.

What is vitamin E and what does it do for us? Vitamin E has long been known as the vitamin that helps skin heal when applied topically. There are those who buy bottles of liquid vitamin E to apply it to old scars in hopes that they will soon disappear through the magic of the vitamin. Despite many success anecdotes, research has
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There’s an Apple for That!

by TJ Davis August 16th, 2010 | Diet, Health Research
Want white teeth and healthy gums? Want to considerably lower your cholesterol? Want to an easy way to increase the fiber in your diet? Want to lower your risk for osteoporosis and certain cancers? Want help with managing your diabetes? Yeah... there's an APPLE for that!!

If you have ever wondered just why an apple a day is said to keep the doctor away, you may be interested to learn that eating apples provides many healthful benefits, from dentition and digestion to diabetes management and more.

Apples contain pectin which acts as a natural tooth whitener, and biting and chewing the
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Colon Cleansing Conundrum

by TJ Davis August 13th, 2010 | Health Research, Herbal Supplements
If you are confused about the benefits of, hazards of, or even the need for colon cleansing, you are not alone. The debate about whether or not colon cleansing or colon therapy is good for you has never really been resolved. Colon cleansing is most often achieved these days with the aid of herbal supplements designed to speed up the digestive process and promote bowel elimination.

Critics object to the idea of colonic cleansers because they maintain that the body performs this function without assistance, and attempting to flush the intestines artificially can lead to increased risk of dehydration. Proponents
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Your New Morning Routine

by Kendall Ryan August 9th, 2010 | Exercise
Summer has almost swept away but there is still time before school rolls around to practice a new morning routine. Word of caution: at first you may be discouraged when you feel more exhausted than usual, but soon it will pay off and your body will be performing and looking better than ever with these few simple steps!

  1. Go to bed by 11PM each night.

  2. Go to the gym each morning (at least 5 days a week!) For example, I arrive at my gym by 7:30 AM and have to be at work by 8:45. My workplace is down the street
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The Functional Movement Screen

by Bea August 6th, 2010 | Health Research
Functional movement, do you have it?  The Functional Movement Screen (FMS) is based off the idea of our body being properly aligned and maintained so that our normal range of movement is not restricted in any way.  How your body is aligned is an important part of your life that many are not aware of, so you may want to take more time to learn about FMS other than just this article. The FMS theory and exercises have been researched refined for 15 years by Gary Cook, MSPT, OCS, CSCS and Lee Burton, PhD, ATC, CSCS.  Gary is a
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