2012 | Health Eagle - Part 3

Archives for 2012

Don’t Become Lax: Prevent HIV/AIDS

by Lori Sciame December 10th, 2012 | Health Observance
HIV/AIDS has been around for a while now.  The good news is that treatments for the disease have come a long way in helping to prolong the lives of those infected.  Even Magic Johnson, one of the first major public figures to disclose that he suffered from HIV in the early 1990's, is still alive.  The bad news is that today's teens who may not know the terrible toll that HIV/AIDS can take on a person, may become lax about prevention strategies.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) provides the following startling statistic: "Incidence is the number of
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Bariatric Surgery for Diabetes

by Dean Heller MD December 7th, 2012 | Ask the Doctor
I have been struggling with weight since I was a kid.  Now I am 42, and at 260 lbs and only 5' 5", I have now developed diabetes.  I have tried every diet, and I can lose some weight, but then I put it back on immediately.  I know that some of this is will power, but I must have a terrible metabolism, because even as a kid I was not that big of an eater, but still gained weight quickly.  My husband thinks I should have gastric bypass surgery. Will this help with the diabetes, because I hate
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Children and the Holidays

by Tom Seman MD FAAP December 6th, 2012 | Pediatrician on Call
A parent asked me to explain why the holidays are always so stressful and bring out such bad behaviors in her child. Also, how could she show the child the true meaning of the holiday without lecturing?

Well, it is time for the holidays. No matter what religion one may practice, the main aspects of all of the holidays is faith, family, and the belief in miracles. The holidays present a variety of stressors and opportunities for a child. The many outings, parties, sweets, and altered bedtimes, even when there is fun involved, can throw off a child's routine. Children previously well-behaved
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The Truth About Contracting HIV/AIDS

by Kimberly Hays December 4th, 2012 | Health Observance
HIV is the virus that causes AIDS. It is transmitted from one person to the other by entering the body then the blood stream. The HIV virus mutates the cells that protect the immune system. When the immune system is compromised to the point of it being unable to ward off infections, it is then AIDS. People who have HIV/AIDS are often stereotyped. Often, people are afraid of them, because they are uneducated on how the HIV virus is spread. It is important to know how you can and cannot get the virus.

How You Can Get HIV

You can get
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Hyperhidrosis Explained

by Dean Heller MD November 30th, 2012 | Ask the Doctor
I am 20 years-old and doing great in college; however, I have a tough time meeting girls because I am so worried about a condition that I have.  I have been to a dermatologist for this problem, but the treatments they have given me so far have not worked at all. What I have is a problem with excessive sweating of my hands. When I am dancing with a girl, or even around them at all, I have to hold my hands behind my back, so they don't grab them.  I am so embarrassed that I have just been
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