2012 | Health Eagle - Part 8

Archives for 2012

Over the Counter Pain Relievers

by Jessica B. October 23rd, 2012 | Medication
There are many different types of over the counter pain relievers, so it can be tricky to choose which one is best for you. These pills are most commonly taken to relieve headaches, cold symptoms, and other aches and pains that pop-up along during the day. Here are some tips for choosing which pain reliever may be best for you.

Acetaminophen: This should be your go-to pain reliever if you are a woman of childbearing age trying to conceive a family. Other NSAID’s are not recommended during pregnancy, so if you are trying to get pregnant, you might stick to
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Relationships Take Work

by Lori Sciame October 22nd, 2012 | Relationships
Just as a homeowner maintains a house, those involved in meaningful relationships need to work to keep their partnerships in good repair.  Jobs, children, friends, hobbies, and the like gobble up a person's time.  Because of this, love relationships can become casualties of neglect.  Instead of taking time to nurture the relationship, often times it is left for dead last. Pledge to resume working on your romantic relationship today, and watch the positive effects your actions will have.

First, a husband or wife should always feel like a priority to the other spouse.  Even little gestures, such as bringing home
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Anatomy of the Heart

by Dean Heller MD October 19th, 2012 | Ask the Doctor
I have had a heart murmur for a number of years. I went to a cardiologist, who explained that I will likely not have a problem for years; however, he also said that I will eventually need a valve replaced.  They have told me a few times what causes the murmur, but I can never remember all of the medical terms and names of the valves correctly. Can you review that for me?

Medical terminology can be very confusing. Here is a quick overview of the heart anatomy. There are 4 chambers of the heart:  2 atria and 2 ventricles,
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Food Allergy vs. Food Intolerance

by Louise October 18th, 2012 | Diet
Not all stomachs are created equal. Some people feel nauseated after having a glass of milk, while others might develop hives from the consumption of one small peanut. Feeling sick or having other negative symptoms after eating a certain food is likely either due to a food allergy or a food intolerance, but how do you know which one?

While the very general effect of both terms is similar (that you don't feel good after eating a particular food), the terms actually have quite distinct sources, symptoms, and solutions.

A food allergy is a true allergic reaction that involves the body's
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Flu Information

by Kimberly Hays October 16th, 2012 | Common Conditions
Flu season officially begins in October. If you haven’t gone to get a flu vaccination yet, now is the time! Understanding facts about the flu will explain the importance of getting vaccinated, as well as how to prevent contracting the virus.

What is the Flu?

The flu is known as influenza in the scientific community. It is given this name due to the influenza viruses that cause the illness. The virus enters the body through mucus membranes. When someone sneezes or coughs, it enters the air surrounding us. It is also found on many surfaces, including keyboards and doorknobs. We come
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.