Variety is the spice of life! If that old saying has proven true, how do you apply it to a long-term relationship, especially a marriage? Well, since infidelity doesn’t bode well for any couple, married or not, you must seek other ways to add some spice to your marriage.
Your husband or your wife will appreciate the efforts you make to add a dash of excitement to an otherwise predictable existence. Â Remember, it’s not only men who need to keep things interesting; ladies, you should read this post to find ways to make your husband happier as well.
First, you may wish to learn a new skill together. Â It doesn’t matter what you do, as long as you tackle it together. Â Maybe you both have always wanted to try golfing, or maybe fly fishing, or even zip lining. Go for it! Â Your brain responds to this new challenge in a positive way, which leads to bonding between partners. Â An example of this – my husband and I tried square dancing last year at a social event at our church. Â In the end, it wasn’t for us, but we sure had fun trying, and we often laugh when we remember our uncoordinated efforts. (Since my husband if 6’6″, you can probably imagine how goofy he looked as he tried to follow the calls of the announcer!)
Next, you should switch up your look once in a while. Â If you’re a guy, grow a goatee or a beard, or maybe go for the shaved head look. Â If you’re a woman, change your hairstyle if it’s been more than five years since you last updated your hairdo. Â Even buying some new clothes can enhance a stale marriage. Â This advice includes getting rid of outdated glasses. I know they probably still work fine, but if you’ve had the same frames for more than ten years, take the plunge and update your look.
Another way to add some spice? Â Surprises! Â No, you don’t have to surprise your guy with a trip to a fantasy baseball camp, but if you listen closely to what he talks about, you’ll know exactly what will make him happy. Â Even trying the new steak place in town (if he loves a good steak), can show him you really care about him.
And guys, most ladies just want to feel special. Â Buy a few of her favorite flowers on your way home from work – just because. Â There doesn’t have to be a reason to show her that you care for her. Â Recently my husband surprised me with a bird bath. It may sound trivial to you, but that’s what I had been yearning for. Â He went out of his way to get me what I wanted, and my heart melted when I saw it all set up when I drove in the driveway after work.
As  you can see, little things can add spice to your long-term relationship. Put forth a little extra effort, and you will most likely inspire your significant other to do the same.