There are all types of dependencies, but one of the easiest to acquire and hardest to remedy is addiction to diet pills. Weight loss aids come in a wide variety of types and ingredient mixes, and are available by prescription or over the counter. Obesity is rampant in our nation, and the glut of products professing to resolve it have targeted a growing faction of consumers – mostly female – who are addicted to slim. It is pretty well-accepted that the idealization of the female form has caused severe self image issues and feelings of inadequacy among American women over the last several decades. Add to that the weight loss industry’s perpetual claims for the latest and greatest diet breakthrough, and you have the makings of disaster.
Many diet pills contain some of the most highly stimulating supplements on earth: ephedra, caffeine, and ma huang. Because of the temporary energy burst that can follow consumption of stimulants, consumers often believe that they are experiencing increased metabolism, which does aid in weight loss. Afterward, however, there is most often an energy crash, which can sometimes lead to feelings of sadness and depression. Since nutritional supplements such as vitamins and weight loss pills are not considered drugs, they are not regulated by the FDA, so sometimes the stimulants occur in higher than normal doses. This can cause serious side effects, including high blood pressure, insomnia, fatigue, nervousness, and even heart failure.
Dependency on weight loss supplements most often has an underlying psychological basis, which is one of the main reasons diet pill addiction is so difficult to treat. If you or someone you know may be suffering from diet pill dependency, seek help immediately from a qualified substance abuse counselor or physician, especially one who has had experience in treating people with eating or diet disorders.