Do you live with your spouse, your children, a couple of pets…and a bottle of alcohol? I don’t mean the dusty bottle of gin that sits high on a shelf, or the three month old six pack of beer in the fridge, I’m talking about the bottle of alcohol that needs to be replaced each day because it’s empty.
Drinking to excess. This habit affects hundreds of thousands, if not millions of people, in the United States. Because April is Alcohol Awareness month, I’m focusing my article on a discussion of alcohol and relationships.
We all know the stereotype of the drunken man who berates or beats his spouse or girlfriend after downing too many drinks, but many don’t realize that there are other faces of alcoholism.  Those addicted to alcohol may still function at a good level. They may make it to work and be able to take care of their children; however, they may do so while battling through hangovers. They may also “forget” conversations with loved ones due to black outs. In essence, they have relationships, but not as wonderful as they could be if they were free from alcohol.
Teens and young adults also flirt with disaster when it comes to alcohol use. What begins as a “right of passage,” may end up to be a life-long habit. For instance, a young woman begins drinking occasionally in high school. In college she goes out two nights a week, then three, then four. She quits drinking while pregnant, but begins drinking again soon after her baby’s birth. By the time she reaches middle age, she pre-plans her schedule according to when she can have her next drink, thus straining relationships.
Another face of alcoholism has survived 80 plus years. This man has worked hard his entire life, and since his wife died, he’s been at loose ends. He begins enjoying a cocktail after dinner, which quickly turns to six drinks before dinner too. He realizes that drinking so much keeps him from his children, but he also likes to block out the pain of his loss.
As you can see, alcohol issues can affect people of all ages and both genders. This disease doesn’t care if a person is rich or poor. From parents neglecting children, to spouses fighting with each other, to teens turning away from parents, to the elderly living only to drink – relationships can become strained or even ruined because of this liquid drug.
There are steps that can be taken to mend relationships with others when alcohol is involved.
If alcohol has you addicted:
1. Decide to break free from it.
2. Â Seek help from a health professional and/or 12 step program.
3. Be gentle with yourself. It takes great effort to overcome this addiction, but it CAN be done.
If alcohol has someone you love addicted:
1. Don’t deny there is a problem. Face it head on.
2. Encourage your loved one to seek assistance from a health professional and/or a 12 step group.
3. Â Join a support group for friends and families of alcoholics.