You have probably heard of some healthier sugar alternatives such as Sucanat, maple syrup/sugar, honey, Stevia, or Blackstrap molasses; if you haven’t already, check out the article below by Melissa titled Sugar Alternatives. You’ve also probably heard of the artificial sweeteners that usually do more harm than they do good, such as Splenda or other sources of Aspartame. However, I have found a sweetener that I believe is even better than honey or molasses!
It’s called agave syrup. It is a sweetener that is commercially produced in Mexico, and it comes from agave plants. It’s sweeter than honey, but it is much less viscous. Also, it does not crystallize, which I find is a huge plus. It is produced by getting the juice from the core of the agave, filtering it, and then heating it to hydrolyze the carbohydrates into sugars. It is made up of the sugars fructose and glucose.
Even though it usually does not come in the hard crystal form, that does not matter in a recipe. A third of a cup of agave syrup can be used to replace one cup of sugar in a recipe.
My friend, who is a vegan, loves to use agave syrup. It is all natural and also delicious. It does get to be a little pricey (I buy it at a health food store), but it is worth it. Also, it works really well in cold drinks (unlike sugar, honey, maple syrup, or some other viscous sweetener). Of course, it dissolves just as well in hot drinks!
I always try to stay away from the artificial sweeteners because I know that they are not that good for me. However, too much white sugar is not great either! It’s hard to maintain the healthy balance, but I find that agave syrup definitely suits my needs.

Thanks for explaining what agave nectar is and how to use it in recipes. I just tried a raw diet and picked some up to use in a couple of recipes. Now I know how to use it in more treats!