In our sister publication, Parched No More, LJ Dovichi wrote a great article about how a cure for asthma is a shot of hard liquor. So, if you’re an asthmatic, you may want to get a shot of tequila, rum, or scotch to snap out of your attack.

In our sister publication, Parched No More, LJ Dovichi wrote a great article about how a cure for asthma is a shot of hard liquor. So, if you’re an asthmatic, you may want to get a shot of tequila, rum, or scotch to snap out of your attack.
I tried your hard liquor suggestion clear and dark. I ended up with multiple asthma and allergy attacks behind both. I yes was able to drink the tequila with little or no reaction as well as wine. I wont try the liquor thing again. I was so scared I couldnt take my meds.
Please note that, as recommended in the article, one should seek one’s doctor’s advice before trying this technique to cure asthma symptoms.
I have asthma and every time I drink any type of alchohol I am on my nebulizer by the next day. Liquor is a histamine. I would not try this.
I actually will have to say this works for me… have done this for several years. Never knew why it made me feel better than my regular med, till now. Have been Asthma free for several years but the last week have had issues, really don’t want to go to the Dr to be put back on meds and the inhaler just gives me the shakes, so I try to avoid it. Told my hubby I wanted a margarita to help and by the next morning I felt SO MUCH BETTER. Had to look it up to see if this was just me or if there was something behind it… found this!