Benefits of Flax Oil | Health Eagle

Benefits of Flax Oil

by Abigail B. October 12th, 2007 | Cancer, Heart Health, Herbal Supplements
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There are many forms of natural cancer treatment. Flax oil (which does not have the same aromatic appeal of lavender oil) happens to be one of them.

Canada is the country where an ancient blue-flowering crop is exclusively cultivated. The flax plant produces a fiber. From this fiber linen is woven. There is an edible seed and from this seed flax oil can be extracted. This seed contains heart healthy omega-3 fatty acids. The flax seed has alpha-linolenic acid which is not exactly the same as the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil. The body however can convert alpha-linolenic acid from flaxseed oil to the same type of omega-3 fatty acids found in fish oil.

The flax plant contains mucilage gum which is a soluble fiber. It is similar to the fiber that is in oat bran. This mucilage gum is what lowers blood levels of cholesterol. Many research studies have indicated a reduction in the bad cholesterol called LDL. Triglyceride levels were also lowered. Decreasing these two lipid has a connection to lessen the risk of cardiovascular disease. Platelets may also become less sticky which would reduce the risk of a heart attack.

In the flax plant is a chemical called lignans. This is a plant estrogen that is believed to limit the bodies production of estrogen and testosterone. It has been shown that in some cases estrogen and testosterone can stimulate the growth of certain cancers such as cancer of the prostate and breast cancer. Before using flax oil or flax seed, breast cancer patients who are taking the drug tamoxifen should consult their physician.

Of course, it is prudent to ask your doctor about any supplement you plan on taking to discover if you have any health issues that would effect that choice. It has been found in animal studies that when flaxseed was given to pregnant rats the birth weight of their male babies was lowered.

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