The primary benefit of vitamin is as a powerful antioxidant. In this role it protects cells from damage caused by free radicals. Because the body is made up of cells this one role of protecting one’s cells helps with heart disease, cancer, blood cells, the nervous system, the skeletal muscle and the retinas in the eyes. In order to afford themselves of these benefits more than 37 million Americans take this vitamin daily. 90,000 nurses in a study in 1993 that took Vitamin E and lowered their rate of coronary heart disease by 30-40%. A lower death rate from heart disease was also found in a study of 5000 people in Finland who took Vitamin E.
This free radical protection is available to those who take the necessary amounts of this vitamin. Through their diet American adults consume between 8 to 12 milligrams of Vitamin E daily and the recommended dietary allowance is 15 milligrams.
Vitamin E is available in vegetable oils such as sunflower, canola, corn, soybean and olive oil. Nuts, sunflower seeds and wheat germ as well as whole grains, fish, peanut butter and green leafy vegetables all are sources of this vitamin. Vitamin E is one of the few vitamins, where there is good scientific evidence that it works.