Breast Cancer Prevention | Health Eagle

Breast Cancer Prevention

by Lori Sciame October 15th, 2012 | Health Observance
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Across America, the color pink dominates this month.  From pro football games, to the White House, to local girl’s volleyball games, citizens embrace everything pink to spread the word about breast cancer awareness.  Since the establishment of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month, the general population has certainly began to take this type of cancer much more seriously.  Women complete self-breast exams, and they go in for mammograms at a much higher rate.

Prevention Remains Key

This is great news, yet women can do even more to prevent this type of cancer from invading their lives.  Read on to learn three specific ways to keep breast cancer at bay.

Consume Less Fat

I learned from my gynecologist years ago that a low fat diet can certainly help to prevent breast cancer.  He told me to keep my daily fat intake to below 35 grams.  At the time, I thought that I would never be able to accomplish that goal, but for the most part, I have tried to do so – and with much success.

Determining the amount of fat in different foods has been made easier with the addition of nutrition labels on food products.  Learn to read these labels, and keep a daily log of how much fat enters the body each day.  By keeping a food journal, a woman can quickly determine the amount of fat she takes in on a regular basis.

Be a Lean Machine

Another step towards preventing cancer concerns maintaining a healthy weight.  This can be accomplished through lowered fat intake as mentioned above, yet strive to exercise regularly as well.  Breast cancer cells love fat.  If a woman chooses to be as lean as she possibly can be, she will increase her chances of not having to battle this dreaded disease.

As I’ve stated many times before, increasing exercise can be relatively painless.  Even walking a mere 15 – 20 minutes per day will help to burn unwanted calories.  I know that the weather outside can be a deterrent, but find ways to walk inside, such as at a local mall or even at work.  (If you have several flights of stairs available, take advantage of them!)

Reduce Alcohol Intake

A final way of preventing breast cancer concerns drinking less alcohol.  If a woman regularly imbibes, she could be unknowingly increasing her risk not only for breast cancer, but for other cancers as well.  Guidelines show that a woman should not consume more than one alcoholic drink per day.  Although seen as a way to release stress, alcohol actually causes more harm than good.  That is why doctors and other health professionals encourage finding other ways to cope with daily life.

Hope Through Action

Taking charge of one’s health has never been easier.  Researchers know what helps to prevent certain illnesses, including breast cancer.  Besides doing self-breast exams and having the recommended mammograms, women can cut their chances of winding up with breast cancer by doing three things: reducing fat intake, exercising more, and consuming less alcoholic drinks.


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