Aging Well | Health Eagle - Part 2

Archives for Aging Well

Living with Alzheimer’s

by Joe Lawrence November 3rd, 2023 | Aging Well

November is Alzheimer's Awareness month and this is a disease that is not easy for anyone involved. The caregiver and the patient all have many hurdles to overcome while battling the disease. However, there are beneficial things that can be done to ease the process.

One of the first things is to realize the patient is not the disease. Once the label of Alzheimer's is slapped to the person, others tend to write them off. Just because there are some early signs setting in does not mean the person is complete goner. In fact, many

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Should Eating Habits Change as You Age?

by Joe Lawrence October 20th, 2023 | Aging Well, Health Observance
One thing people often ask is whether they should change their exercise regimes after they reach certain ages. Most know after they retire they require new hobbies to keep the mind going and something to replace the social aspect of work they once had. Almost everyone knows they need to watch their finances more closely when living on a fixed income. However, almost no one knows or seemingly asks whether they need to alter their diets at all. Spoiler Alert...the answer is 'yes.'

As we age our bodies metabolism slows down. We are no longer able to burn the amounts
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Aging Well: Wrinkle Fighting Foods

by Kimberly Hays August 26th, 2022 | Aging Well
We try to eat well to keep our bodies healthy as we age, and we also want to look as youthful on the outside as we feel on the inside. Although wrinkles are a natural part of the aging process that are influenced by genetics, and other factors like smoking and sun exposure, we can still fight wrinkles by eating the right foods. The Mayo Clinic states that a healthy diet that is rich in particular vitamins and nutrients can help decrease wrinkles. Many of these foods are probably already part of your healthy diet, but an increase in
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Living with HIV and AIDS

by Joe Lawrence December 17th, 2021 | Aging Well, Health Observance

In the United States, there are roughly 1.1 million people living with AIDS. Awareness is at an all time high and there are many advances in research and treatment. These advances in medicines, treatment, and living with the disease have created a welcome side effect: an aging AIDS population. However, with this comes a few more issues.

It is estimated that by the year 2020 more than half of those infected with the virus will be over the age of 50 (current numbers are roughly one third).

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Can Life Return to Normal After Cancer?

by Joe Lawrence October 22nd, 2021 | Aging Well, Health Observance
Many people ponder this question at some point. The answer usually evolves into, "Why would I want to return to that 'normal'?"

Dr. Rachel Naomi Remen states it well as, "Cancer can shuffle our values like a deck of cards...the bottom of our deck turns out to be the top card." Most breast cancer patients (and other forms) are knocked so far out of the daily grind they had fallen into prior to cancer, they have no choice but to reflect on life. When faced with possibility of dying, people receive many revelations about how they have lived.

Priorities of getting
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.