Ask the Doctor | Health Eagle - Part 22

Archives for Ask the Doctor

Flu Prevention

by Dean Heller MD December 9th, 2011 | Ask the Doctor
Winter is coming, and it seems like it is going to be a rough one, so I want to decrease the risk of getting the flu. How can I do that?

With winter right around the corner, you are on the right path and should be preparing to decrease your risk of flu. Most importantly, the flu vaccine can lower your chance of getting the flu by 70-90%. Then throughout the winter months you have to use good handwashing to decrease risk of infection and the flu. You should never put your hands to your mouth and face without washing your hands first. Everyone should also make
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by Dean Heller MD December 2nd, 2011 | Ask the Doctor
My brother's little boy is three and was diagnosed with autism recently. I have been reviewing all of the possible causes of autism, and it seems as though no one is sure. What is your opinion, and is there any truth that the vaccinations can cause it?

This topic if frequently debated, and there is quite a bit of information, and misinformation, about the causes of autism. You are absolutely correct; no one is sure what the cause of autism is. As you may know, autism is really a group of related problems that all have at their core, some form of learning or developmental issues. There
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Healthy Holiday Eating

by Dean Heller MD November 25th, 2011 | Ask the Doctor
My father is 82 and has multiple medical problems including heart disease, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol. He is coming to my house for Thanksgiving dinner, and I want to make it as healthy for him as I can. What should I do?

It is great that you are thinking of him on Thanksgiving (and throughout the holiday season). While you want to make it healthy, you also want to let them enjoy the meal.

Here are a few suggestions. First, suggest that he eats the white meat turkey, without the skin,and avoid ham or other meats that may be higher in sodium. Obviously,
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Stroke and Muscle Spasticity

by Dean Heller MD November 18th, 2011 | Ask the Doctor
My grandfather had a stroke about 1 year ago. He went through intensive rehabilitation, and is now able to walk, and is doing well, but he complains of muscle spasms and difficulty moving his arm fully because it feels too tight. What can he do for this?

It sounds like your grandpa has muscle spasticity. This is a very common problem after stroke. While rehabilitation can help, sometimes it cannot completely resolve this problem. Many people get improvement with the use of Botox. This is the same medicine that plastic surgeons use for cosmetic reasons, but because its mechanism of action is through relaxation of muscles, it
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Weight Loss Surgery

by Dean Heller MD November 11th, 2011 | Ask the Doctor
I have lost over 300 pounds over the past 7 years, and unfortunately I have gained 285 pounds back over the same time period. I just keep on losing and then gaining back. I have tried everything, and now I am considering a surgical procedure. Are they safe?

This is a very common scenario, with a yo-yo of weight loss, followed by gaining all of the weight back. If you are over 100 lbs. over your ideal body weight, then you may be a candidate for weight loss surgery. There have been constant improvements in how weight loss surgery is performed.
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.