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Children and Healthy Eating

by Tom Seman MD FAAP August 16th, 2024 | Children's Health, Pediatrician on Call

A healthy lifestyle begins with healthy eating and nutrition, but what constitutes healthy eating? The answer is not as difficult as it seems; eat smart and in moderation. What does eat smart mean?

Healthy eating should start at birth. When a child is only a few months old, she eats the healthiest she most likely ever will. All of the child's nutrition is cared for, and the child is very willing to eat it. We, as parents, then start introducing solid foods often between 4 - 6 months of age.

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Summer Tips for Children

by Tom Seman MD FAAP May 31st, 2024 | Pediatrician on Call

How can I make summer more enjoyable for my child?

June is almost here, a time of endings and new beginnings, where children are finishing their school year and entering vacation. The many complaints of waking up early and getting ready for the bus or carpool are gone, thankfully. Days filled with schedules and routines have ended, and the children should be happy and ready to have fun. But wait, they are now complaining about nothing to do. Some seem restless, maybe even a little irritable or anxious. Why?

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Styes on the Eyes

by Tom Seman MD FAAP January 26th, 2024 | Children's Health, Pediatrician on Call

My son gets styes on his eyes frequently. Could there be an underlying condition, or is this something that I really shouldn't worry a lot about? Also, is there anything special I can do to treat them at home?

They say that eyes are the windows to the soul. Unfortunately something so important that is used continuously is often prone to minor problems. One of the most common is a stye. A stye, also known as a hordeolum (pronounced "hor-dee-OH-lum"), is a red sore lump near the

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Marijuana and Teens

by Tom Seman MD FAAP September 13th, 2019 | Pediatrician on Call
How does marijuana affect a growing teen?

Marijuana, cannabis, pot, weed, or herb are all names of the same plant that is used for its mind altering effects. Rapidly increasing in the teen population over the last several decades, more than half of high school seniors report using marijuana at least once with approximately a quarter of them reporting use in the last month.

A study out of Yale, published this month, showed that over 1/3 of teens that smoke marijuana abused prescription opiates. As such marijuana, along with alcohol and tobacco, is listed as a gateway drug.

The effect on the
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Nose Bleeds in Children

by Tom Seman MD FAAP November 21st, 2013 | Children's Health, Pediatrician on Call
Cold outdoor air, dry indoor air, viral head colds, and nasal allergies all mean one thing and that is a dry nose and probable nose bleeds, or epistaxis as the medical professionals call it. Some people are more susceptible than others to getting these bleeds. Most people will have one every 1-2 years which may be related to the above, or due to trauma directly to the nose, or in many children related to exploring the inside of the nose with their fingers. Usually the bleeds only last for a few minutes and may return shortly after should the
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