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Archives for Diet

Healthy Road Trip Snacks

by Louise May 24th, 2024 | Diet

Memorial Day weekend marks the unofficial start of summer. A popular choice for a summer vacation is a family road trip. Road trips are fairly friendly as far as wallets are concerned (though they were much more so a decade ago when the gas prices weren't quite so high), but not as friendly as far as stomachs are concerned. It's extremely easy to load up the car with processed packaged food, such as bags of chips, candy, and a cooler full of soda. It can be equally tempting to use

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Peanut Butter Substitutes

by Louise March 29th, 2024 | Diet

I love peanut butter. I probably consume one or two servings of peanut butter on a daily basis (usually on my sandwich at lunchtime, but sometimes with some chopped up apples, in my oatmeal, or with a banana). Unfortunately, about 3 million Americans have a peanut allergy. Often times, this only causes a change in diet for the individual, who must obviously avoid consuming foods with peanuts; however, sometimes the severity of the allergy is such that simply being around others who have products with peanuts

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Pomegranate Power!

by Kimberly Hays October 13th, 2023 | Diet
Pomegranates are in season now, and everyone should be taking advantage and enjoying this amazing fruit. They have more antioxidants than any other fruit, and are full of vitamins and nutrients like C, B5, A, and E, and are high in fiber, niacin, iron, and potassium. For centuries, pomegranates have been used for medicinal purposes in other countries, as well as thought to have super-powers. Pomegranate juice is widely available nationwide now, and though it is a healthy alternative, you will gain the most benefits from this superfood by eating the actual fruit. To learn more about this fascinating
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Getting the Most out of Your Smoothie

by Bea September 15th, 2023 | Diet
Smoothies are a lot of fun to drink, and they are healthy, right? Well, it depends on how you drink your smoothies. A lot of people do not realize that they need to drink their smoothie as if they were eating a meal. Okay, that might be a little bit of an exaggeration, but your digestive system needs you to trigger it by chewing your smoothie. Get those enzymes going! Your body still needs to digest all of the food that you put into the blender!

To find out more, visit our sister publication, My Fitness
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Healthy Foods of Summer

by Lori Sciame July 15th, 2023 | Diet
Summer offers long days of sunshine coupled with plenty of heat. Add sufficient rain, and these factors make it possible for a variety of produce to flourish. Food fresh from the garden tastes wonderful, it's low in calories, and best of all, it's good for you!  Read this post on our sister web site, My Fitness Tunes, about summer super foods, and learn about which foods pack the most punch for those that work out.  Happy summer, and happy healthy eating!
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