Diet | Health Eagle - Part 3

Archives for Diet

Hydrate with Food

by Lori Sciame July 1st, 2023 | Diet
During the summer months, humans perspire more in order to keep the body cool.  This can lead to dehydration, especially in older adults.  This is because the thirst mechanism, the feeling of being parched, lessens as one ages.  So keeping hydrated as one ages, and if one exercises outdoors, can be tricky.  The good news is that many foods have a high water content, meaning they can assist in keeping the level of water within the body even.  Check out this article on our sister website, My Fitness Tunes, to learn more about which foods
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Where Men and Women Differ

by Louise June 24th, 2023 | Diet, Health Observance, Men's Health
I'm all for equality, but dieting provides an exception.

There are some facts that can't be argued with. On average, men tend to be taller and more muscular than women. The larger and more muscular one is, the more calories one needs to consume to maintain that size, therefore, men typically need more calories than women. The 2,000-calorie diet, which the nutritional panel on most products is based on, can cause some misleading results; it implies to average person (AKA someone not interested in pulling out a calculator to do the math) that eating a serving of that product will
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Snacks for Student Athletes

by Lori Sciame June 10th, 2023 | Diet
Children who participate in sports have special nutritional needs. From needing additional liquids, to requiring lots of protein to build muscles, active students should be mindful of what they eat and drink. Although all children should consume "good for them" foods, it is even more important for those that engage in rigorous workouts to not eat empty calories. For a lengthy list of healthy snacks, and to learn more about the proper foods for student athletes, visit our sister site, My Fitness Tunes, to read this informative post.
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Healthy Foods?

by Lori Sciame June 3rd, 2023 | Diet
On a diet and wondering what to eat? Besides the obvious, raw carrots and celery, it can be confusing to find foods that are truly healthy. Why? Sometimes consumers can be fooled by descriptive labels on foods. For instance, just because something is called healthy, doesn't automatically make it that way. In addition, true portion sizes of healthy foods can be tricky to determine.  Remember, everything should be eaten in moderation! To learn more about foods that may not be as healthy as one thinks, read this post on our sister website, My Fitness Tunes.
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Healthier Snacking

by Lori Sciame April 28th, 2023 | Diet
Most diet plans suggest foods such as carrot and celery sticks, cheese cubes, and sunflower seeds as healthy snack options; however, it may be difficult to give up carbs altogether. There is an answer to this dilemma: low fat, low carb, and low calorie crackers. Read this article on our sister site, My Fitness Tunes, to learn more about cracker options that may work for you. Two well known brands of chips are covered, including calorie counts and taste testimonials. Check it out, as you may find a new favorite snacking option!
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