While the popcorn that you get at the movie theater is not exactly the healthiest option, plain popcorn is actually a great choice when it comes to eating a healthy snack. According to a chemist at the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania, plain popcorn has some great health benefits! In comparison to most other snacks, popcorn actually has more fiber, more antioxidants, less calories, and less fat. One of the best benefits of popcorn is its high level of healthy antioxidants called polyphenols.
To find out more, visit our sister publication, My Fitness Tunes, or click here to access the article directly.
Eat Your Cabbage!
by Kimberly Hays December 9th, 2022 | Diet
Cabbage is an often overlooked superfood that has so many health benefits that it shouldn't be overlooked. For instance, did you know that cabbage has more vitamin C than oranges? This can help ward off infections and help the body to heal quickly. That’s good to know in winter when illnesses are at their peak. Also, cabbage can help you lose weight because of its high fiber content that will help you to feel full longer. It is also full of antioxidants that will help your body get rid of free radicals that can be cancer causing. To learn
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Is a Raw Diet for You?
by Kimberly Hays September 9th, 2022 | Diet
Raw diets are gaining in popularity, and though it sounds healthy to eat an abundance of fruit and vegetables there are also concerns with the diet. The benefits are that you get an abundance of fiber that keeps your body cleansed, and you are not getting excess sugar, salt, and preservatives from processed foods. There are also some disadvantages to the diet, like not getting all of the nutrients out of some foods because these nutrients are released when cooked, and you could become vitamin D deficient on a raw diet. To find out more, visit our sister publication,
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Spirulina: A Special Superfood
by Lori Sciame May 13th, 2022 | Diet
There is a superfood that you need to learn more about if you haven't heard of it yet. Spirulina, a blue green algae present in both fresh and salt water, has been named one of the best diet additives. It is full of vitamins and protein, plus some believe that the substance is beneficial in ridding the body of radiation. If the thought of eating algae doesn't appeal to you, however, no problem. Spirulina comes in tablets and capsules for easy consumption. Check out this informative article on our sister website, My Fitness Tunes, to
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