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The Food and Relationship Connection

by Lori Sciame July 19th, 2024 | Health Observance, Relationships

Most readers understand the overwhelmingly good feelings that correspond with finding a a special someone to love. Even if one has been in a relationship for quite a while, he or she will surely remember the first few months after meeting his or her soul mate. Remember how falling for someone changes everything? Although seemingly cliche, it's a fact that while falling love, colors seem brighter, life seems easier, and food tastes better (or one doesn't need food at all).

New Partner, New Foods

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Men Need to Monitor Health

by Jessica B. June 21st, 2024 | Health Observance

If you are an average American man, chances are you only see a health care professional when you are ill or concerned about symptoms, but for many, it is too late. Well visits are an important part of your overall health.

This month is Men's Health Month, and well visits are an important part of maintaining health, particularly for middle-aged men.

It may be difficult to find the time, working full time, and with a family, to squeeze in a doctor's appointment. But getting

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Building Meaningful Relationships

by Lori Sciame June 7th, 2024 | Health Observance

My relationship post this week is in honor of National Men's Health Month. This is because building meaningful relationships with peers has a direct correspondence with a man's mental health. In essence, although many men tend to not like talking about emotions, they still benefit from the company of male friends. In tough times, male friends may not discuss issues non-stop like the majority of females do, but they still offer support and reassurance. Therefore, men need to be cognizant of the fact that having male friends

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Cold & Flu Medication: High Blood Pressure

by Kimberly Hays May 3rd, 2024 | Health Observance

When we get a cold or the flu, the first thing we normally do is reach for over the counter medications for relief of the symptoms. These medications are not completely off limits, but you should choose them wisely in order to keep your blood pressure in check. Multi-symptom cold and flu medications usually contain a decongestant, which will restrict blood vessels and cause the blood pressure to go up. Instead, make more careful choices for your treatment.

There are newer formulas that

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Alcohol Strains Relationships

by Lori Sciame April 5th, 2024 | Health Observance

Living in a state known for its high rates of drinking, I fully understand the negative ramifications of alcohol use on relationships. In Wisconsin (the state where I reside), alcohol is included in almost every social gathering, from family holidays to backyard barbecues. In fact, Wisconsin has more bars/taverns than grocery stores. Because of this, adults and children alike are affected by the misuse of this powerful depressant. Check out the following list concerning the negative effects of alcohol on relationships.

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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.