Health Observance | Health Eagle - Part 10

Archives for Health Observance

Relax, for the Heart of It

by Margot F. November 5th, 2014 | Health Observance, Women's Health
Life for many women can be extremely stressful looking after everyone. Taking care of oneself can be challenging. Some women perceive self care as selfish. Unfortunately, ignoring the signs of stress can have serious consequences for your heart, sometimes resulting in heart disease.

One option for reducing stress is through food grade terpenes. Added to your favorite foods, it is a simple and delicious way to enjoy their health benefits.

Two types of heart disease are stroke and heart attack. When a blood vessel to the heart is blocked, it is called a heart attack. A blockage to a portion
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Team Baby

by Lori Sciame November 2nd, 2014 | Health Observance, Relationships
The time to think about having a healthy baby begins long before conception.  The mother-to-be must give up bad habits, must be in good physical condition, and she must consume a nutritious diet before she becomes pregnant in the first place.  But women aren't the only one in the relationship who needs to prepare. Dad needs to jump on board "team baby" as well.

Bad Habits = Bad Outcomes

The quickest way to ensure a baby will not be born healthy: keep smoking, and drink as much alcohol as you want. This goes for BOTH mom and dad.  Studies prove that
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HIV Positive: What Now?

by Lori Sciame October 8th, 2014 | Health Observance, Men's Health
If you find out you are HIV positive, you may feel devastated.  Of course the health care providers at the testing center gave you lots of information, both verbal and written, yet you may still feel lost.  Please understand that when hearing such news, it can be hard to digest everything you need to know.  Take heart.  Unlike 30 years ago, HIV can now be managed using special medications, plus community resources exist to help those who have been infected.  Keep asking questions.  Keep researching HIV/AIDS.  Remember - a take charge mentality will help you adjust much better.

Who Will
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Children’s Diets During American Heart Month

by Joe Lawrence March 30th, 2014 | Children's Health, Health Observance
February is American Heart Month where we need to highlight the heart disease requiring research and those that we already know how to prevent with proper care. Adults, for the most part, know what needs to be done to make a difference. However, when it comes to our children we often ignore the truths, especially when it comes to their diets.

There are very few, if any, people on this planet who wouldn't argue that fast food is terrible for heart health. Why then, do we allow them to eat fast food two to three times per week? On any
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January Observance

by Editorial Team January 1st, 2014 | Health Observance
As we flip the calendar and January begins, it is time to introduce the health observance of the month. This month we will be focusing on birth defect prevention. On a weekly basis, we will be looking into the latest news and information for this important health topic, covering birth defect topics from various perspectives. Be sure to check back regularly to keep yourself informed.
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.