Health Observance | Health Eagle - Part 4

Archives for Health Observance

Foods That Suppress Hunger

by Kimberly Hays August 12th, 2023 | Health Observance, Women's Health
We are all trying to make healthier choices when we prepare meals for ourselves and for our loved ones. With all of the information we now have available to us, it has become easier than ever before. Sometimes the problem is not the tasty meal options, but giving in to cravings between meals that can be not so healthy. There are options that will not only satisfy your cravings, but that are also healthy alternatives to giving in to those hankerings that can ruin your whole diet for the day. This does not mean that you will feel at
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Make Healthy Eating a Priority

by Lori Sciame August 5th, 2023 | Health Observance, Men's Health
As a man ages, his odds of developing certain diseases increases. For example, his chances of developing heart disease and prostate cancer are especially high if he chooses not to consume healthy foods.  As outlined by Livestrong.com, "according to the American Dietetic Association, aging men need vitamins and nutrients to sustain a healthy quality of life."  Read on to learn ways to make healthy eating a priority for a man over 50.

Say Farewell to Fast Food

50 year old men and older can probably remember the time in history when fast food did not permeate society.
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Prediabetes and Diabetes Prevention

by Louise July 29th, 2023 | Health Observance, Prevention
According to the American Diabetes Association, 25.8 million Americans are living with diabetes. Of these millions of people, only 18.8 million people are diagnosed, which means that an estimated 7.0 million Americans, children and adults, are living with undiagnosed diabetes.

There are two main types, known simply as Type 1 and Type 2. Type 1 diabetes affects children and young adults who can't make their own insulin. Insulin is a hormone that helps the body convert sugar and starches into energy needed for daily life. Insulin issues can lead to nerve, kidney, and heart damage.  Each year, diabetes is listed
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Where Men and Women Differ

by Louise June 24th, 2023 | Diet, Health Observance, Men's Health
I'm all for equality, but dieting provides an exception.

There are some facts that can't be argued with. On average, men tend to be taller and more muscular than women. The larger and more muscular one is, the more calories one needs to consume to maintain that size, therefore, men typically need more calories than women. The 2,000-calorie diet, which the nutritional panel on most products is based on, can cause some misleading results; it implies to average person (AKA someone not interested in pulling out a calculator to do the math) that eating a serving of that product will
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Men and High Blood Pressure

by Lori Sciame May 27th, 2023 | Health Observance
Men, do you you lead a stressful life, one full of poor diet choices and lack of exercise?  If yes, you may be flirting with high blood pressure.  Most people understand that high blood pressure can hurt the human body through heart attack and stroke; therefore, reducing high blood pressure is a must.  Read on for some important information on how to lower your high blood pressure in order to become the healthy person you were meant to be.

Lower Sodium Intake

Approximately 20 - 40 % of cases of high blood pressure in men can be attributed to ingesting too
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.