Illness | Health Eagle - Part 4

Archives for Illness

Common Headache Types

by Rosanne Lorraine September 16th, 2008 | Illness
Headaches are a common health problem in any part of the world. It is likely that every single person will experience a headache at one time or another during the course of his life. But it is important to realize that not all headaches are the same. Some headaches are mild while some are painful enough to make a patient bang her head against a wall.

Anything that stimulates the body's pain receptors in the neck and head can cause a headache to occur. Some causes include:

Injuries to the neck

Muscle tension

Dental problems

High blood pressure

Eye strain

Disorders in the nose, ears, or
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by Editorial Team November 23rd, 2007 | Illness
Some people break out into hives if they have to go to see their dentist in Manchester.

They are red unsightly raised area's on the skin that itch. They can also cause swelling to different area's of the body such as the lips and hands. Hives, also referred to as urticaria generally occur after an allergic reaction has been triggered. These triggers can be caused by almost anything from plants to pets, mold, mildew and food. Foods such as eggs, milk, shellfish, nuts, aspirin and food preservatives are high on the list of things that can cause a reaction. Other
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by Editorial Team July 9th, 2006 | Diet, Illness
Heartburn is a painful burning in the chest, sometimes accompanied by some acid that comes up from the stomach. At latest count the number of American sufferers of indigestion and heartburn come close to 90 million people. Heatburn, acid reflux disease, esophageal reflux disease and ulcers are a big business for the prescription medicine industry. The products usually work by diminishing, or even blocking the stomach acid that the body needs to accomplish digestion. This is really not a cure, but seems to sometimes alleviate the symptoms. Some people end up with worse indigestion, increased constipation and chronic flatulence. Another
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Food Poisoning

by Editorial Team May 2nd, 2006 | Illness
Food poisoning is one of the most common widespread illnesses of human history, and it can be caused by various factors that are plainly out of our control. Others are within our control, like proper hand washing and using sanitized utensils during food preparation. Some of these factors are introduced to the food chain during manufacturing or cultivation, while others happen during packing and preservation and many more during its retail handling. Food service workers and anybody that handles food should always wash there hands, especially when handling different types of food at once and always as a form of
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by MPK February 27th, 2006 | Illness, Medication
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