Men's Health | Health Eagle - Part 3

Archives for Men's Health

Vegetarianism and Men

by Lori Sciame October 7th, 2022 | Men's Health
Working on a college campus exposes me to a lot of trends, including trends in diets.  Currently, many young men on my campus claim to be vegetarians.  This means that they eat a diet that consists mainly of vegetables.  There are a few that take an even stricter stance and strive to be vegan, a person who does not eat any food that comes from an animal, such as eggs, cheese, and milk. Although these diets have been around for years, they have increased in popularity. As outlined in Statistic Brain, 7.3 million Americans classify
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Another Path to Better Health

by Lori Sciame August 12th, 2022 | Men's Health
Who does a man trust when he has questions about life?  In most cases, he values the opinions of his parents, his spouse, his adult children, and his best friend.  But what about when it comes to his health?  How does he know what information should be trusted?  Of course, well meaning family members and friends may know exactly what to do for a specific health concern, and a health professional is surely the expert; however, there is an additional path to better overall health - seeking the truth in health cliches.

Early to bed, early to rise, makes a
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When Not to Worry

by Lori Sciame July 15th, 2022 | Men's Health
In today's hyper vigilant society, people often overreact when it comes to health concerns. For instance, have a pounding headache? Don't automatically assume it's a brain tumor. For the most part, many health issues end up being just a normal part of living. Read this post to find out when there's no need to worry about a particular symptom.

My Head Aches!

Most headaches do not signal a brain aneurysm or a cancerous tumor.  They usually occur as a result of harmless triggers. For instance, drinking too much alcohol can cause a pounding headache the next day.  Also, caffeine withdrawal can
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Staying Active Counts

by Lori Sciame July 1st, 2022 | Men's Health
Recently, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) announced that 80% of American adults do not get the recommended amount of exercise each day.  This fact will have tragic consequences on the  health status of the US population, including increased cases of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes. As outlined in a May, 2013 CBS News article, "physical inactivity can lead to obesity and Type 2 diabetes, according to the CDC, while exercise can help control weight, and reduce the risk for developing heart disease and some cancers, while providing mental health benefits."

What's a man to do?  Exercise of
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Young Men and Sexually Transmitted Diseases

by Lori Sciame September 24th, 2021 | Men's Health
Most people will become sexually active when they reach early adulthood. For an American male, the average age he will lose his virginity is 16.9 years (Kinsey Institute; California State University).  At this time in a man's life, he has to seriously think about unwanted pregnancies, and he must become aware of the risks of sexually transmitted diseases.  These diseases have different symptoms, and varying health ramifications, yet they all have one thing in common; they can negatively affect a man's health for life.

Sex: Not Just with One Person

Teens lack awareness about sexually transmitted diseases, as parents/guardians shy away from
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.