Nutrition | Health Eagle - Part 5

Archives for Nutrition

Proper Food Handling and Storage Equals a Healthier Family

by Lori Sciame April 25th, 2011 | Health News, Nutrition
Food-borne illness is more common than you think. Learning how to properly store and prepare food for your family can mean the difference between being healthy and being sick. Information from the United States Centers for Disease Control (CDC) says “that each year roughly 1 out of 6 Americans (or 48 million people) get sick, 128,000 are hospitalized, and 3,000 die of food-borne diseases.”

How can you protect yourself from the types of parasites, bacteria, and viruses that cause food poisoning? The following suggestions will help.

1. Store food properly
This means
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Protein Misconceptions

by Louise April 11th, 2011 | Diet, Exercise, Nutrition
The biggest misconception: The more you workout and lift weights, the more protein you need.

Proteins should account for 10-18% of total calories in one’s diet. One with a sedentary lifestyle needs about .8 grams per kilogram of body weight. Those working on strength need a bit more (1.2-1.6 g/kg), while endurance athletes need the most (1.2-1.78 g/kg). Thus, a 175-lb. sedentary male needs about 250 calories from protein, while a long distance runner weighing 160 lbs. would need about 500 calories from protein. However, these amounts do not linearly increase based on increased duration of a run, or an
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by Louise April 4th, 2011 | Diet, Nutrition
Have you heard of quinoa? Quinoa is a seed that has a fluffy, creamy, slightly crunchy texture and a somewhat nutty flavor when cooked. It is loaded with amino acids and nutrients, a food recently "rediscovered" and gaining praise for its health benefits.

Quinoa is a complete protein. This means it contains all 9 essential amino acids, making it a superb options for vegetarians or vegans who are worried about omitting a few essential proteins from their diet (which is probably an unnecessary concern, but it doesn't hurt to be on the safe side).

In particular, it is abundant in
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Eating Disorders Are Not a “Female Problem”

by Jane Wangersky March 25th, 2011 | Children's Health, Men's Health, Mental Health, Nutrition
Most people would picture someone with an eating disorder as a very thin -- or very overweight -- girl or young woman, not as an athletic, muscular young male. Yet, though eating disorders affect boys and men less often, they do strike them -- and the patient's self-image as an athlete can be a factor. The results can be just as devastating as they are for girls and women, especially if they don't receive eating disorder treatment.

Let's take a quick look at exactly what eating disorders are. The National Institute of Mental Health sums
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Looking at Labels: Knowing What to Avoid

by Louise March 14th, 2011 | Diet, Nutrition
The FDA wants consumers to feel confident about buying all products that are available on the market. Products containing preservatives, color additives, sweeteners, flavors enhancers, and the like are all analyzed by the FDA. The FDA looks at the composition and properties of the substance, the amount that would typically be consumed, immediate and long-term health effects, and various safety factors. In the end, all of the food that you see lining the shelves of a typical supermarket has been deemed "safe." Yet there's a crucial difference between "safe" and "healthy."

It's tempting to let price dictate what
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All health and medical information is provided for educational purposes and is not meant to replace the medical advice or treatment of your healthcare professional.