Relationships | Health Eagle - Part 3

Archives for Relationships

Three Reasons to Let Go

by Lori Sciame March 1st, 2024 | Relationships

When talking to my twenty year-old daughter a few days ago, I learned that her friend of 15 years had excluded her from a get together yet again. This friendship, although years old, has been deteriorating slowly, but steadily. I suggested that she distance herself from this person, since my daughter continually complains of being hurt by her.

She replied, "I can't let go; she was my best friend, Kindergarten through ninth grade." But this is exactly what she needs to do - let go. Although it may be

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Three Reasons Not to Rush a Relationship

by Lori Sciame February 23rd, 2024 | Relationships

Their eyes meet, and it's instant chemistry. They both smile as they gravitate toward each other. Soon they engage in conversation. Twenty minutes later he asks for her number. One of them thinks it's been fun talking to a like minded person, and the other is already thinking about the engagement ring.

It doesn't matter who has jumped the gun, the man or the woman. What does matter is the fact that trying to rush a new relationship usually ends in disaster. Intrigued? If yes, read on

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Can’t You Just Get Along?

by Lori Sciame January 19th, 2024 | Relationships

No matter who asks for the divorce, the process can devastate both parties involved. Loss of self-esteem, fear of living alone, and even financial instability can affect both people in a broken marital relationship. Although the relationship between the couple will never be what it once was, if there are children involved, the couple needs to work towards being able to interact civilly. Children will benefit from divorced parents who continue to communicate effectively vs. those who have hostile interactions. If you are working through a divorce with children, you

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Give a Daily Valentine

by Lori Sciame January 12th, 2024 | Relationships

Next gift-giving holiday? Valentine's Day! Even though most holiday lights decorating the outside of homes haven't been taken down, stores already have shelves full of Valentine's merchandise - stuffed teddy bears with big red hearts, heart shaped boxes filled with delectable chocolates, and even racy undergarments. Retailers jump on any chance to capitalize on holidays that center around gift giving. They are in business to make money; however, in our own important relationships we need to be less focused on buying love. This means we should not focus

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Three Tips on Attraction

by Lori Sciame December 29th, 2023 | Relationships

Establishing rapport quickly when introduced to someone new can come in handy. This instant connection can work wonders when going to job interviews, when meeting co-workers for the first time, and when establishing relationships with clients. First impressions really do make a difference at the office; they also make a difference in matters of the heart. I pity the person who has a heart of gold, but who walks around with a frown instead of a smile. She may wonder why no man ventures near, yet the impression she unknowingly

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