Relationships | Health Eagle - Part 3

Archives for Relationships

Holiday Survival Guide

by Lori Sciame November 10th, 2023 | Relationships
Soon the holiday season will be in full swing.  There will be presents to buy, special treats to bake, and parties to attend.  While many of the parties will be filled with good cheer and laughter, some will seem more like funeral wakes - complete with morose faces and mumbled greetings.  If this sounds familiar, then take the time to read this post.  Learn a few tips on how to survive a less than perfect family celebration.

Reject Emotional Blackmail

The first key to survival involves stopping emotional blackmail in its tracks.  In essence, don't let yourself be bullied. For instance,
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Food Does Not Equal Love

by Lori Sciame August 19th, 2023 | Health Observance, Relationships
Moms and dads, please take this advice to heart: food does not equal love.  A candy bar given to a young child after a fall, or a banana split each day after school to celebrate another day of learning may seem harmless enough, but when food becomes a symbol of comfort and/or love to a child, then serious problems may occur.

Do you remember the stereotypical Italian mom who constantly begs her child to eat...anything and everything?  Pasta, sauce, bread, meatballs, sausage...she fills the child's plate again and again.  Although this example seems extreme, sadly, many parents still adhere to
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The Relief of Letting Go

by Lori Sciame January 13th, 2023 | Relationships
Over the past few months I've realized something - letting go of a dream unfulfilled can be a huge relief.  My elusive dream involved my sister-in-law. Even after knowing each other for almost ten years, we never became close. Why, I wondered, couldn't we be picture perfect confidants, those who share coffee, share stories, and ultimately, share lives? What made being friends so difficult?

And then it dawned on me. I realized that just because my brother loves her, doesn't mean that becoming "sisters" would work for us.  In fact, we have completely different core values, plus we live far apart.
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Parenting to Improve a Relationship

by Lori Sciame October 14th, 2022 | Relationships
Parents have a tough job. Raising a young child can be emotionally and physically tiring to say the least, but once a child hits the teen years, the task of being a parent becomes even harder.  However, in order to parent successfully, one must admit that the job of being a teen is also difficult.  At this age, a child must go through a seemingly endless stream of developmental stages. That's not easy to do.  How, then, does a parent do the best job he or she can at this tumultuous time?

Kimberly Kopko, Extension Associate at Cornell University, provides
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Relationships and Retirement

by Lori Sciame September 2nd, 2022 | Relationships
A few months ago, I wrote an article concerning my husband's retirement.  I wondered how this major life change would affect our relationship. At the time, I felt unsure as to what aspects would change, but I instinctively knew that change was inevitable. In  this update, I can report that we have survived the first two months; however, even with our easy going personalities, the process has been a bit bumpy.

The Good News

The fact that my husband would no longer stress over work after retirement was a given.  He had been a police officer for 33 years, and being
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