Relationships | Health Eagle - Part 4

Archives for Relationships

Easy Ways to Communicate

by Lori Sciame November 24th, 2023 | Relationships

Staying connected to loved ones can be difficult. There always seems to be something that gets in the way of keeping in touch. Even those that live in the same house may not see each other enough, as jobs, school, extra-curricular activities, and other obligations pull family members in different directions. There are ways, however, to keep the lines of communication open - and thriving.

Hand Written Notes

Though out of vogue for many, hand written notes offer a wonderful means of

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Holiday Survival Guide

by Lori Sciame November 10th, 2023 | Relationships
Soon the holiday season will be in full swing.  There will be presents to buy, special treats to bake, and parties to attend.  While many of the parties will be filled with good cheer and laughter, some will seem more like funeral wakes - complete with morose faces and mumbled greetings.  If this sounds familiar, then take the time to read this post.  Learn a few tips on how to survive a less than perfect family celebration.

Reject Emotional Blackmail

The first key to survival involves stopping emotional blackmail in its tracks.  In essence, don't let yourself be bullied. For instance,
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Food Does Not Equal Love

by Lori Sciame August 19th, 2023 | Health Observance, Relationships
Moms and dads, please take this advice to heart: food does not equal love.  A candy bar given to a young child after a fall, or a banana split each day after school to celebrate another day of learning may seem harmless enough, but when food becomes a symbol of comfort and/or love to a child, then serious problems may occur.

Do you remember the stereotypical Italian mom who constantly begs her child to eat...anything and everything?  Pasta, sauce, bread, meatballs, sausage...she fills the child's plate again and again.  Although this example seems extreme, sadly, many parents still adhere to
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Office Romances = Tricky Situations

by Lori Sciame May 22nd, 2020 | Relationships
A person never knows where he or she will find romance.  It may be at school, at the grocery store, at a restaurant or bar, at a ball game, or even at work.  Although it's wonderful to feel the rush provided by a new romantic interest, being in a relationship on the job can lead to several tricky situations. My advice - even though you may be interested in a special someone at work , do not act on impulse. Before you put on your best heels and spritz those pheromones oils to attract that special
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Ways to Stay Connected

by Lori Sciame July 1st, 2015 | Relationships
Hold a true friend with both your hands.  Nigerian Proverb

Having close, personal friends has many benefits, including companionship and emotional support; however, staying connected with long term friends can be extremely difficult. Distance, jobs, spouses, children, and the like all sap time and energy, many times leaving friends feeling neglected. Although it may seem impossible to sustain friendships while living in today's fast paced society, it can be done with a little time and effort.  Try one or all of the following tips for staying connected to a special friend in your life. I guarantee your friend will appreciate
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