Women's Health | Health Eagle - Part 5

Archives for Women's Health

Strategies to Prevent Birth Defects

by Kimberly Hays January 11th, 2015 | Health Observance, Women's Health
Most mothers-to-be know that it is important to get plenty of folic acid and to see their doctor prior to becoming pregnant to be sure that they are in optimum health. With birth defects averaging at approximately 1 in 33 babies in the United States, it is also the cause of high mortality rates. Because we are observing National Birth Defects Prevention Month, we are going to discuss some of the less talked about information on birth defects. Knowledge is power!

Reduce Your Sugar Intake – Deficiencies in certain nutrients can be detrimental during a pregnancy, but so can an
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Relax, for the Heart of It

by Margot F. November 5th, 2014 | Health Observance, Women's Health
Life for many women can be extremely stressful looking after everyone. Taking care of oneself can be challenging. Some women perceive self care as selfish. Unfortunately, ignoring the signs of stress can have serious consequences for your heart, sometimes resulting in heart disease.

One option for reducing stress is through food grade terpenes. Added to your favorite foods, it is a simple and delicious way to enjoy their health benefits.

Two types of heart disease are stroke and heart attack. When a blood vessel to the heart is blocked, it is called a heart attack. A blockage to a portion
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Multiple Sclerosis – Help is Available

by Margot F. October 4th, 2014 | Women's Health
Multiple Sclerosis or MS is two times more common in women than men and the incidents continue to increase. Women are accustomed to screening for various female cancers and heart disease, yet MS is also common. When MS hits, the whole family is affected. The cause is unknown and there is no cure, but some medications help relieve symptoms and adaptations can be made to make mobility easier.

Multiple Sclerosis is a chronic neurological disease which tends to hit young adults ages 15 to 40 although children and older adults are now being diagnosed. There are 100,000 cases of Multiple
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Women’s Health and Alzheimer’s Awareness

by Jessica B. November 20th, 2013 | Health Observance, Women's Health
This month is Alzheimer’s awareness month, raising attention for Alzheimer’s is important for women’s health. Women are the highest risk group for getting Alzheimer’s or becoming caretakers of Alzheimer’s sufferers. Here are a few things you can do to raise awareness for this difficult disease and some important information you should know about how the illness affects women.

These figures are from the 2012 Alzheimer’s Disease Facts and Figures from The Alzheimer’s Association:

1) 10 million women are affected by Alzheimer’s in their life, either as sufferers of as caretakers of sufferers.

2) Approximately 35% of women who care for an Alzheimer’s
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Raising Breast Cancer Awareness

by Jessica B. October 23rd, 2013 | Health Observance, Women's Health
It’s breast cancer awareness month and there are a lot of ways you can show your support for the fight against breast cancer. Here are a few tips to get yourself out there and actively raising awareness for breast cancer.

1) Pink, Pink, Pink – Pink is the color of breast awareness month and you should be wearing more of it. I am not a huge fan of the color pink during other months, but during breast cancer awareness month I make sure to include a little bit of pink most days. It can be the traditional pink ribbon, pink
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