Now that it’s mid-December, winter weather looms on the horizon.  With frigid temperatures and copious amounts of snow due soon, people living in the northern part of the United States will be forced to stay home due to school and work closings. Plan now to use this precious “found” time to work on something important.  What I’m suggesting is simple.  Use snow days as a way to reconnect with your children.  Read on to learn fun ways to build warm relationships on cold days.
Roughing it Together
Many times heavy snows coupled with vicious winds will cause power outages.  If forced to remain home due to lack of power, a family can enjoy a few hours of roughing it. First, build a fire in the fireplace.  Teach children how to light  a fire safely, as well as how to keep the flames burning.  (You will be surprised at how close a fire burning in a cold home will bring you).  Next, discuss how families in days gone by passed time when snowed in for days at  time: games, reading, and invigorating conversation.
Food = Love
If both school and work are cancelled (and power is still on), bake or cook together. Children love to spend time with mom and/or dad making something delicious to eat, plus learning a new skill is always valuable.  Snow days allow for time spent baking holiday cookies and/or a warm supper, so teach your son or daughter  to make an ethnic specialty, such as Italian sesame cookies or Norwegian lefse.  As you can see, days off of work and school are the perfect opportunity to pass on family traditions.
Snowman or Sledding
Days off also entice those involved to either go sledding or to build a snowman. What’s important here is the time spent as a family. Â Bundle up, have fun outside, then once you return home, enjoy hot chocolate and a nutritious snack. Â Spending time together doing such activities will help to cement the bond you already share with your child. Â (Don’t forget to take pictures of your snow creations!)
Games Galore
Many families take advantage of snow days to play old fashioned board games. Â Doing so will not only encourage togetherness, it will also promote low tech fun. Â In today’s society, it’s important to remind children that the Internet doesn’t have to be involved in all things “fun.” Board games are cheap, so have a few different types on hand for days like these!
Snow days may seem to be a time for catching up on sleep or for tackling home chores you put off; however, parents/guardians should use this precious time to reconnect with their children and with each other. Â If they do so, they will build stronger relationships. As most know, spending time with a loved one is the best way to show love, so show some love when cold weather arrives.
Ice, snow, and wind. Â This winter weather combination may cause many negative consequences, but it can also quickly warm up relationships.
(Photo courtesy of Adrian van Leen)