Three of the most common skin conditions are skin tags, moles, and freckles. Each has its own characteristics, own treatments and their own issues. Most common skin conditions are harmless and not life threatening. However, some can possibly be cancerous, like moles, and should be watched and checked often.
If you have any of these following three skin conditions, you can learn bellow how to treat them and if they are anything to worry about when it comes to be healthy.
Skin Tags
If you’ve never had a skin tag or known someone with one, you may not even know what it is. Skin tags are small flaps of skin tissue that hang off the skin. They aren’t dangerous or cancerous.
Skin tags can be found almost anywhere, including the back and even under the eyes. Both men and women get them. However, skin tags are most commonly found in the groin area, on the neck, armpits and on the back. They also seem to be more common in women and elderly people.
While skin tags are most commonly removed by your doctor or a dermatologist, there are less invasive ways to remove them. Skin tag removers usually involve sort of liquid that you put on the skin tag, removing it within days.
The best choice for skin tag removers are ones made with natural ingredients that are safe for use on your face and sensitive areas. This type of treatment, unlike the ones mentioned above, leave no scarring or pain.
Moles form on the skin when melanocytes, which are cells, grow in a mass, rather than spread out on the skin. They form the pigmented look that defines a mole.
There are two types of moles, Congenital nevi, which are present at birth, and Dysplastic nevi, which are larger and oddly shaped. Moles can sometimes be cancerous.
To detect cancer in a mole, WebMD recommends enlisting the ABCDEs of mole characteristics. These are:
- Asymmetry- if one half of the mole is different than the other.
- Border- if the border of the mole is blurred or irregular.
- Color- if the mole has different shades throughout, or has numerous colors.
- Diameter- if the size of the mole is bigger than a pencil eraser.
- Evolution- if the size, color or shape of the mole changes.
If you suspect cancer your doctor can do a biopsy. If your dermatologist feels a mole needs to be removed they can surgically remove it.
Freckles are most common on fair-skinned people and those with red hair, and they often show up more during the summer months when people spend a lot of time in the sun. They are usually found on the face and arms, which are most exposed to the sun.
Freckles are not a health threat. They can be caused by the sun and genetics. For freckled folks that aren’t fans of their dots, they can be removed by some laser treatments or simply covered up with some makeup.
Brought to you by our friend, Amanda.