Drama. Some people find themselves addicted to it. They think that for a relationship to be fun and exciting, there needs to be passionate fights and great make-up sex. These type of people will seek out unhealthy interactions just for the perceived high that a volatile relationship provides. They also may find partners who treat them hot then cold, seemingly without reasons for the change. Sad, but true, some people just don’t feel right in a healthy relationship.
The good news is that it’s never too late to change. If you have had a string of failed relationships, ones filled with drama, you can find peace in a normal relationship. Here’s how:
Handle with Care
The first step in finding a healthy relationship is to believe you deserve to be treated with love and respect. Let go of old demons that scream you aren’t good enough. Treat yourself gently as you acknowledge your past mistakes, and do something for yourself that you wish a past love had done – maybe buy yourself some flowers, or treat yourself to a new outfit.
Have an Open Heart
Some people who have been hurt don’t know how to open their hearts to a new type of person. For example, if you’ve always went for the aloof, bad boy, why not give a nice guy a try? (A man who LIKES to show affection). Or maybe you’ve gravitated towards the type of woman who puts herself on a pedestal, only to have your heart trampled again and again. This time, try a new personality type, a woman who seems as interested in YOU as you are in her. Actually, opening your heart to new types of people can be exciting in itself, which helps you to let go of your need for negative drama.
Listen on the First Date
Those who have trouble in relationships do not really listen on the first date. If a woman says she doesn’t like children, and you have a two year-old, don’t think that she will change, just because you think she should. Also, if a man calls all of his exes crazy, realize that HE just might be the crazy one. Get my point? Those who have trouble finding “normal” relationships often continue to date someone they should have only had one date with.
Don’t Rush Things
A great piece of advice – don’t rush into relationships. If you have recently ended a bad relationship, don’t enter into another one right away. You don’t need a warm body to make you feel whole. Remember, a valuable person is worth waiting for, and he or she will be all the more special if you give yourself time to recover from your last relationship catastrophe.
Maybe it seems impossible to you to break free of your drama addiction, but it can be done. If you really love yourself, you will come to understand that healthy relationships need not be boring after all. And more importantly, you will finally be safe and secure.