Easing the Pain of Cancer | Health Eagle

Easing the Pain of Cancer

by Editorial Team August 23rd, 2020 | Health News
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Cancer is an ugly disease that robs most people of their spirit and vitality during treatment. Most cancer patients suffer pain from the disease as well as the treatments that many doctors prescribe. However, there are options available that can help ease those pains and make treatment tolerable. Let’s review a view of those options so that you can get through treatment and get your life back on track.

Hemp Oil

Hemp oil contains plenty of anti-inflammatory properties that can help soothe the inflammation causing pain, whether that’s from the disease itself or from the treatments. Cannabis oil benefits the cells and can also slow the growth of cancerous cells within the body. Many studies show it can also kill existing cancerous cells at the same time. There are other options from the cannabis family, such as live resin, that can help with cancer pain, so it’s an area one should research.


Acupuncture is an old tradition of placing needles on the body at specific points to relieve pain, depression, and nausea in the body. The needles only enter the surface of the skin and you have no pain associated with the treatments. Acupuncture is a great option for patients who have received chemotherapy and are suffering from side effects. When speaking with an acupuncturist, be sure to let them know what treatments you are going through and the side effects you’ve experienced.

Massage Therapy

Massage therapy is an easy way to relieve pain from your treatments and illness. Allowing someone to give you a thorough massage to your sorest muscles allows your body to relax and release all the stress and anxiety in your body, not to mention it can help with making your treatments more effective. It’s also a great way to just feel good about yourself when you may not be feeling your best.


Not all cancer patients are okay with a massage and turn to reflexology. Rather than relaxing and massaging the body, reflexologists focus on stimulating nerve pathways in the feet to relieve the pain throughout the entire body. Our feet carry all of our weight and stimulating your nerve pathways can change how you feel quickly while allowing your feet a bit of rest.


Aromatherapy involves inhaling luscious scents of essential oils by way of diffuser or having a massage with essential oils. The benefits include easing depression, anxiety, nausea, and high blood pressure. If you are using essential oils in a massage, the act of the massage and the scent can relieve your muscles and ease your pain. Some scents are designed for specific areas such as peppermint for headaches and nausea or ylang-ylang for relaxation. The great thing about aromatherapy is that you can easily do this in the comfort of your home without having to see one more specialist to help you. Most oils are sold in health food stores across the country. Be sure to dilute your oil with jojoba or almond oil before using for massage. Many patients report a change in their sense of smell and taste when dealing with cancer, so if a scent doesn’t work for you simply try something else.


Hypnotherapy is highly recommended for cancer patients. Hypnosis creates an altered state of consciousness for the patient, one in which they are completely aware and cognizant of what is happening. Many patients report that they find it relaxes them, eases their nausea, decreases their anxiety, lowers their pain, and can help them change habits and attitudes over the course of time.

As with all treatments, notify your doctor of what alternative methods you are using to treat your side effects from the treatments and illness. Most doctors are supportive of using these methods and if they see excellent results from your alternatives, they are more likely to share them with other patients.

Brought to you by our friend, Amanda.

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