Infertility, which is defined as an inability to get pregnant for one year after trying (or six months after trying if a women is 35 years or older), is not as uncommon as many people believe. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), in the U.S. approximately 12 percent of women aged 15-44 experience difficulty getting pregnant. What’s more, inability to conceive is by no means just a biological issue. For many women and couples, it is emotionally scarring — and in some cases, devastating.
The good news is that there are three well-established fertility operations that could lead to pregnancy: tuboplasty, sterilization reversal, and fimbrioplasty. Each of these is briefly highlighted below.
Tuboplasty is a relatively simple surgery that removes blockages from narrowed and scarred fallopian tubes. The procedure involves inserting a tiny balloon-topped catheter into the damaged fallopian tube, and then inflating it in order to create a passage for the egg to pass through to the uterus. According to OB-GYN Dr. Joseph Hazan, M.D., F.A.C.O.G., the likelihood of natural conception after tuboplasty is typically quite high (learn more about Dr. Hazan and tuboplasty at
Sterilization Reversal
As the term implies, sterilization reversal surgery reverses a previous sterilization, and involves rejoining the (deliberately) severed Fallopian tube sections. Most sterilization reversals are done via laparoscopic surgery, in which the surgeon makes a very small cut in the abdomen and uses a tiny magnifying camera to view the Fallopian tubes. Sterilization in which the Fallopian tube sections have been clamped vs. cut typically have the greatest chance of being reversed. In addition, in vitro fertilization (IVF) may be the best way for women who undergo this surgery to get pregnant.
In some women, the ends of their Fallopian tubes have fused together, which prevents eggs from entering the ovary — and thus preventing pregnancy. A fimbrioplasty is a micro-surgery that opens up the blockage by rebuilding the fringed ends of the Fallopian tube.
Which Option is Best?
Obviously, it is beyond the scope of this — or any other — article, book, video, or other general information source to provide you with a definitive answer to this question. Start by consulting your OB/GYN, who will explore all available options in more depth, including the benefits and risks of each. You can then make an informed, safe decision that gives you the best chance of experiencing the joy of life and getting pregnant in the near future. Good luck!
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