No one can deny the fact that Facebook has had a tremendous effect on relationships. It has been credited with reuniting old friends, with giving homebound individuals a support network, and with helping to spread the word about worthwhile events, such as fundraisers for ill individuals. Facebook has also broken up marriages, increased cyber bullying, and given an easy avenue for predators to reach children. Like many technological advances, Facebook can not be classified completely as good, yet it is not all bad either.
Facebook – The Benefits
Without Facebook, I would never had learned what happened to several of my old friends from high school. Now, I am privy to their lives, including where they work, what their hobbies are, and a myriad of other interesting details. Since beginning to gather “friends” four years ago, it’s been fun to learn how much I still enjoy talking to many of them – even if it is only in an online format.
Another thing I enjoy about Facebook is the fact that it allows those who can’t leave home a voice. I currently talk to a gentleman who suffers from multiple sclerosis and a woman who has end stage cancer. With computers, these two have had the chance to greatly expand their support group.
It is also an easy way to find out about fundraisers that matter to the people in my life. For example, each year there is a memorial run/walk in my hometown to raise money for organ donor transplants. Facebook allows me to get all the details for the event, plus see who else is going.
Facebook – The Drawbacks
One of the main drawbacks surrounds the fact I mentioned above…reconnecting with people you knew in high school. Sadly, these renewed connections do not all end up to be positive. Old cliques resurface, and soon a woman who was your friend for a few months defriends you because she now wants to be friends with your old rival; therefore, old wounds can become fresh.
In addition, Facebook has made it easy for people to bully or harass each other. There have been teen suicides due to cyber-bullying, as well as many cases where young children were targeted by pedophiles.
There has also been cases where men and women have left their spouses for someone they fell in love with on Facebook. Sometimes, rekindling old romances can kill the flame of a current romance.
Use with Caution
From the examples above, it is easy to see that Facebook can have a positive or a negative influence on relationships. Because it can be used for both good and bad purposes, the key is to use common sense. While meeting a romantic interest on Facebook may be exciting, it is still best to learn about the person through face-to-face contact. And if any of your friends on Facebook causes you distress for any reason, defriend them. It’s that simple. Finally, parents/guardians should always monitor a child’s use of Facebook.