In most cases, I advocate for exercise. Moving your body keeps you healthy, and it boosts your spirits. So, why would I write an article about reasons not to exercise? Because there are actually valid reasons when it is best to skip a day, one week (or two) of exercise at certain times in your life.
Reason #1 – Illness
I have worked in the health field long enough to know that exercising while ill can have negative effects on the body. Of course it’s fine to exercise while you have a minor cold, or if you are suffering from a case of indigestion. However, if you have influenza, severe bronchitis, or a raging infection, resting supercedes exercise every time. This is because your body needs to place all of its energy in fighting off the sickness. Fevers, vomiting, severe coughs, debilitating fatigue, non-stop diarrhea all should signal you to avoid strenuous exercise until the problem resolves. Obviously, serious health illness, such as one that requires the use of defibrillators, should postpone exercise until you receive permission from your doctor.
Reason #2 – Surgery
I do understand that many people do not feel right if they can’t enjoy a daily form of exercise, yet if you’ve visited the hospital for a surgical procedure, you will want to take it easy for a while. Make sure to consult with your physician about what forms of physical exertion you will be allowed to do at first. I am sure you know someone who acts like he or she is invincible. This type of person has trouble recuperating after an in-patient or out-patient operation. For example, I had to tell my dad to take a nap the afternoon following bladder cancer surgery – instead of going for a walk like he wanted to do.
Reason #3 – Muscle Injury
Similar to having an operation, muscle injuries should be a signal to stop exercising. Don’t push yourself to suffer through the pain. In most cases, pain signals that something is wrong with your body. Unless your physician or other health care provider instructs you to work through the hurt, it’s best to wait until the muscle heals. To be perfectly clear, I am not talking about the minor pain that accompanies a good work out. I’m talking about searing or stabbing pain!
Reason #4 – Coercion
Believe it or not, there have been many cases where men and women have been forced to exercise. Maybe you have never thought about this before, which means you’ve been in healthy relationships, but if you have a significant other that demands you exercise, rethink your exercise goals. I knew one woman whose husband would not allow her to go to bed until she had logged a certain number of miles on an exercise bike. Of course, you want to be healthy for your family, but if you are being forced to exercise against your will, seek professional advice before this exercise abuse escalates.
Exercise cures many ills. Even so, in some instances, it’s best to not exercise. If you know any other valid reasons to avoid hitting the gym, feel free to comment below.