Heartburn is a common problem that can cause discomfort, bad breath, breathing problems, sore throat, and a wide variety of other symptoms. Â This can make it difficult to conduct normal everyday activities. There are many medications that can treat the symptoms of heartburn in most patients. Ideally, you should discuss treatment with your doctor before beginning to take any medication.
Antacids:Â These work by neutralizing stomach acid, and they are taken after a meal when symptoms present. They can be used to treat heartburn and also indigestion. Antacids are usually best for short term treatment, as they can have many side effects if you overuse them. Side effects usually mean constipation, diarrhea, and stomach cramps. Some of the common antacids are Alka-Seltzer and PeptoBismol. You can take multiple doses until you feel an effect.
Acid reducers: There are two types of medications you can take which work to lower the amount of acid produced in the stomach. Unlike antacids, these are usually taken early in the day, rather than after a meal. There are H2 blockers, such as Pepcid AC and Zantac 75 or PPIs, proton pump inhibitors, such as Prilosec.
If you are taking a PPI they are usually limited to a short time period, of about two weeks, but your doctor might give you other instructions.
There are some side effects that could arise, particularly if you use the medication for a longer time, such as fatigue, confusion, and irregular heartbeat.
If you are a long time sufferer of heartburn, you may want to talk to a dietician to discuss possible diet and lifestyle changes to complement your medication. These medications are not ideal for long term treatment. Here are a few simple changes you can make which might impact your heartburn for the long term.
1) Pinpoint your trigger foods – Keep a food diary, and write down what you are eating and try to notice any patterns. Are there any foods that make your heartburn flare up every time? If so, consider decreasing the amount of these foods you consume or eliminate them completely.
2) Eat several hours before you go to sleep – Lying down after eating triggers some heartburn, so make sure you eat in advance.
3) Eat small meals – Grazing could be the solution to some heartburn issues. Don’t overeat, so eat small meals throughout the day.
4) Eat slowly – It may sound a bit old fashioned, but take your time to chew each bite.