During pregnancy a lot of things happen to a woman’s body, and one of those things is a gain in weight. Some women gain so much weight during pregnancy that they cannot get back to their pre-pregnancy shape easily, and they end up wondering why most celebrity moms get back into shape in a very short time. We must remember that celebrities have platoons of dietitians and fitness experts to help them get back into shape after pregnancy, so it is not really surprising to see them return to their pre-pregnancy shape quickly. But that doesn’t mean that if you cannot afford to hire dietitians and fitness experts you do not have the chance to be sexy again after pregnancy. There are things that you can do to help you regain your figure after pregnancy.
Avoid foods and beverages with lots of sugar (like cola and artificial fruit juice). Sugar has a lot of calories, so you should limit it as much as possible. Eat healthy foods like whole grains, lean meat, and vegetables. When you have snacks, avoid processed foods; you can have fruits or wheat crackers instead. Drink a lot of water every day, 8 to 12 glasses of water daily will help you cut fat from your body.
You also must exercise, but start with light exercise first like short walks in the morning. Do not exercise immediately after you give birth, there needs to be a time of healing and rest before you begin an exercise regimen. It is best to talk to your doctor about when and what kind of exercise that you can have.
Another thing that will help you burn calories and lose weight is breastfeeding. Breastfeeding is not only good for your baby, it is also good for you. Did you know that you can burn 500 calories per day if you breastfeed? Not only that, breastfeeding also helps you lower your stress level.
Women are not created equally, so do not fret when you see other women lose weight more quickly. Just continue to exercise and eat healthy foods, you’ll be sure to get your sexy, pre-pregnancy figure back in due time.