Soon it may be difficult to obtain a prescription for hydrocodone or other drugs that are mixed with it. During the last week of January, the FDA held a panel to vote on reclassifying hydrocodone and its compounds, and the vote won 17 to 10 to classify them as a Schedule II drug instead of Schedule III. This means that it would then be regarded to have even more capacity for abuse and addiction.
Some of the widely prescribed drugs that include hydrocodone are Norco, Vicodin, and Lortab. Because of the addiction and abuse associated with hydrocodone and drugs that include it, the panel listened to testimony for more than two days. Those who were for reclassifying the drug argued that it is too strong for many patients, and it is prescribed for too long, which can lead to abuse. Those who are against the reclassification argued that patients who need the drug and respond to it well will have a difficult time obtaining the drug.
With the passing of this new classification, there will be stricter guidelines on who can be prescribed hydrocodone, and how long an individual can be prescribed the medication from their doctor. Doctors will have to prescribe other drugs, which some feel will only lead to possible abuse and addiction of replacements. Another concern by some doctors is that patients can suffer severe forced withdrawal symptoms from hydrocodone, and that it will affect people in rural areas greatly.
If you are on hydrocodone or one of the other medications that contain hydrocodone, now is the time to discuss possible alternatives with your doctor. The classification has not yet gone into effect, and it is better to address the matter now instead of waiting for final approval. The change still has to pass two more agencies to gain approval, the FDA and DEA, but it is most likely to pass through both, meaning it is just a matter of time.

WE LOST ANOTHER FREEDOM, our doctor’s judgement of our medical conditions! This is a VERY BAD idea AGAIN! Because a few people have addictive personalities and get addicted to a pain reliever shouldn’t cause other people tremendous difficulties getting pain meds they need. Schedule II forces every person who is prescribe hydrocodone a MONTHLY doctor visit for new original prescription. Many people can’t afford monthly doctor visits. Doctors will be FLOODED with additional patients previously managed on a quarterly basis. Treat the addicts not punish pain sufferers. Prescribing doctors know their pts. better than a panel in Washington. WE LOST ANOTHER FREEDOM, our doctor’s judgement of our medical conditions!
this is not a good thing because many people depend on those painkillers when they have chronic pain because not only does it dull the pain it also has a calming effect that helps chronic pain patients cope with the stress of dealing with chronic pain. my husband has had back surgery and knee surgery and has to have more surgery at 57 years old. this decision is premature for some pain patients.not to mention arthritis patients.