Insect Bite Remedies | Health Eagle

Insect Bite Remedies

by Editorial Team April 30th, 2006 | First Aid
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Most of us spend a great deal of our summers swatting away pesky insects. Protecting yourself against mosquitoes will not only make your summer more enjoyable, it will help prevent you and your family from getting annoying and sometimes dangerous bug bites and diseases. Follow these tips for a bug free summer:

1. Stay clear of perfumes, highly scented lotions, soaps and shampoos.

2. Cover your skin as completely as possible. This may be difficult when at the beach, but when possible wear long sleeves, pants and socks.

3. Stick to neutral & light colors. Mosquitoes are attracted to blue & darker colors, so avoid!

4. Use Repellent. Repellents containing DEET are very effective but many people are steering clear of chemicals these days. There are many great alternatives made with all natural ingredients.

5. Alternative repellents, such as citronella based candles really don’t work that well; they’re just not strong enough. However, citronella lamp oil and incenses work well.

6. Mosquitoes are most active at dawn and twilight, so try and schedule outside meals and activities accordingly.

7. When returning indoors, check your children and yourself for bites. Check also for fleas and ticks if you’ve been in the woods!

8. Treat bites with store bought insect bite treatments or apply essential oils such as Tea Tree, Lavender or Roman Chamomile. Remember to dilute your essential oils before using them on your skin.

Remember to take every precaution in the summer to protect your skin from insect bites. Insect bite treatments should be included in your first aid and travel kits.

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