If you are under the age of 18, don’t let Mom or Dad read this article! Otherwise it will be time to say goodbye to french fries, corn chips, and any other flavorful salty treat. Plus, all of your favorite sweetened sodas could be a thing of the past.
It has been well documented that reducing salt in an adult’s diet is a healthy choice. Similarly, a lower salt diet is important for children. According to a study by He, Marrero, and MacGregor, reducing the amount of salt in a child’s diet will reduce the amount of sugary soft drinks consumed by a child, in addition to providing other health benefits. With fewer calories being consumed, this could help reduce the problem of obesity in children.
Interestingly, at the same time that this study is being released, Campbell’s Soup Company is reducing the amount of sodium in 12 of its child-marketed soups. These soups will have 480 milligrams of sodium, allowing them to be labeled as healthy.
The common theme of lower salt for children is important and should be noted. No child (or person for that matter) should eat a diet filled with high sodium food products.
However, more important than eliminating salt from a child’s diet is the idea of moderation. From an early age, children can be given choices, allowing them occasional salty treats that are balanced by a diet filled with nutritional food, such as fruits and vegetables.
To learn more about the salt and soda study, click here.
To learn more about Campbell’s lower sodium children’s soups, click here.