Need a Drink? | Health Eagle

Need a Drink?

by Lori Sciame April 8th, 2022 | Health Observance
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Alcohol use and abuse profoundly affects the health of American males. This is a reality, as men binge drink more than women do, and they suffer from alcohol related injuries and death more than women do. Even though men can metabolize alcohol more quickly than women, statistics from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) prove that men need to think twice before imbibing and over indulging!

Is There a Problem Here?

Information on the CDC’s website proves the large role alcohol plays in the lives of American men. For example, 63% of all males in America report having ingested alcohol in the last 30 days, while 17% of all men in the United States will experience alcohol dependence at some point in their lives.

Immediate Health Effects

The negative health effects of alcohol misuse can often be seen immediately. Consider a young man at a college frat party. First he drinks a few beers to “loosen up.” This reduces his inhibitions, so when he’s dared to drink an entire bottle of vodka, he goes for it. As he does so, his body functions become more and more depressed. Pretty soon he blacks out, then passes out. With his blood alcohol content (BAC) dangerously high, he can die if he chokes on his own vomit. This scenario may seem unrealistic, but it’s not. On many college campuses, drinking until one passes out is the norm.

Consider another scenario. A pastor drinks before an afternoon service at a local church.  He consumes so much alcohol that his BAC is almost 1 1/2 times the legal limit.  On his way to the church, he speeds down an entrance ramp and runs into a female jogger, killing her instantly.  In his drunken state, he flees the scene.  Improbable?  No.  It actually happened in Madison, Wisconsin last week.

As one can surmise, the immediate negative consequences of alcohol abuse can be devastating.

Long Term Health Effects

Alcoholism is just one of the long term health affects from dependence.  Alcohol can also increase a man’s chances for certain cancers.  And instead of heating up a man’s desire, it can actually have a negative effect on a man’s virility.  Long term alcohol use can also wreak havoc on the brain, liver, and pancreas.  Even a man’s facial features can change – think red skin and a bulbous nose!

Health Facts from the CDC

  • Men consistently have higher rates of alcohol-related deaths and hospitalizations than women.
  • Among drivers in fatal motor-vehicle traffic crashes, men are almost twice as likely as women to have been intoxicated (i.e., a blood alcohol concentration of 0.08% or greater).
  • Excessive alcohol consumption increases aggression and, as a result, can increase the risk of physically assaulting another person.
  • Men are more likely than women to commit suicide, and more likely to have been drinking prior to committing suicide.

Alcohol Awareness Month

April has been designated as Alcohol Awareness Month.  Now is the time to learn more about how alcohol hurts a man’s body.  And, after gathering all the facts, a man should ask himself, “do I need a drink?”

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