Nutrition/Vitamins and Blood Pressure | Health Eagle

Nutrition/Vitamins and Blood Pressure

by Kimberly Hays May 10th, 2019 | Health Observance
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salmonOur observance of National High Blood Pressure Education Month sparks thought about what preventative measures to take to reduce the chance of our getting high blood pressure, as well as what we can do to reduce those high numbers if we have it. Sadly, 1 in 3 American’s have high blood pressure, and many are unaware that they have this issue. Make an appointment to have your doctor check your blood pressure, and then take measures to lower it or keep it low.

Fatty Fish – Fatty fish, including salmon, mackerel, and herring are full of Omega3 fatty acids. These acids have proven to lower blood pressure. The American Heart Association suggests that we have 2 servings per week to get the recommended weekly amount needed. If you do not care for fish, supplements are available in capsules, and will be labeled “fish oil.”

Chocolate – It is always great to find out that we can have something that tastes wonderful when we are trying to eat healthier, and yes, eating chocolate will help keep your blood pressure in check. You just have to skip milk chocolate and white chocolate (which is not chocolate at all), and instead choose dark chocolate. Dark chocolate is loaded with flavonoids, which are antioxidants that keep your arteries healthy, as well as your heart. Just be sure that you don’t exceed 30z of dark chocolate per week.

Supplements – As for vitamins and minerals that can help keep your blood pressure healthy, vitamin E is a commonly suggested. It improves blood pressure by working as a blood thinner. Vitamin C will help reduce the chances of developing clots because of improving adrenal gland function. Vitamin A is also helpful in keeping the adrenal gland functioning normally. B complex vitamins improve circulation.

Other Tips – Along with eating foods that will help maintain acceptable blood pressure, there are some other tips that will help. Refrain from drinking too much alcohol, increase your potassium by eating fresh fruits, and try to avoid using condiments that are loaded with fat and sugar. Also try to lower your salt intake by trying different spices to flavor your food.

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