I am only 31, and my blood pressure has been high a few times when I go to my doctor’s office. I work a lot of hours, and I travel quite a bit, so I have no time to work out.  My diet is not great, and it will also be difficult to change. He wants to start me on medications, but I am reluctant; what can I do?
While you obviously are a hard worker, and that is great, you have to put more priority on your health. It is just not adequate to say that it is too hard to change. If you don’t want to take medications, then you have to work on lifestyle modification. As you said, that is hard, but you must do it. You must do aerobic exercise, at least 30 minutes, three times a week. You should also get to your ideal body weight, and eat a low salt diet. These lifestyle modifications can sometimes normalize blood pressure – without medications.
Expert:Â Beth Israel, NY
To learn more about preventing high blood pressure, watch this video from VideoMD.com.
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