Just as a homeowner maintains a house, those involved in meaningful relationships need to work to keep their partnerships in good repair. Jobs, children, friends, hobbies, and the like gobble up a person’s time. Because of this, love relationships can become casualties of neglect. Instead of taking time to nurture the relationship, often times it is left for dead last. Pledge to resume working on your romantic relationship today, and watch the positive effects your actions will have.
First, a husband or wife should always feel like a priority to the other spouse. Even little gestures, such as bringing home a single favorite flower or baking a favorite treat, can do wonders to show loving kindness. Big gestures on significant birthdays or anniversaries also prove devotion. It does take work to make a partner truly feel cherished, but the benefits outweigh any negatives.
Next, communication should be placed at the forefront of any romantic relationship. If one partner does not feel listened to, then he or she will sometimes shut down emotionally. An example of this happens when a wife relates what she wants for her birthday, but the husband completely disregards what she says. Or maybe a husband tells his wife several times that he wishes to go somewhere fun on vacation instead of having the annual in-law visit, but the wife goes ahead and invites her parents anyway.
It’s obvious that in these two cases, one spouse did not listen to the other. This lack of listening will most certainly cause hurt feelings.
Really try to take into account what your loved one states. Listen intently. If a person does the work of focusing on what his or her loved one says, the relationship will flourish.
Another area in a relationship that takes work revolves around personal appearance. Everyone ages. Almost everyone gains unwanted pounds as the years pass. These factors, however, do not have to spell disaster for a relationship. For instance, one can age gracefully by looking the best that he or she can at a certain age by staying clean, getting hair cuts, and updating wardrobe pieces at least every few years. In addition, most people do put on weight as they grow older, but they can also purchase clothing that fits nicely.
I am NOT advocating that people in relationships need to be physically perfect, they just need to keep caring for themselves. It does take courage to get out of a comfort zone by keeping pace with the times, but if a partner knows that her husband wants to look good for her, and if he realizes that his wife styled her hair differently for him, then the relationship remains fresh.
Relationships do require work. They should not be neglected. Simple actions, such as making a loved one a priority, can make a world of difference in any long-term romance. Think of a loving relationship as a home, a place where the two people involved feel safe, listened to, and most importantly, cherished.