They say that “an apple a day keeps the doctor away.” But you should not stop there, that is just the tip of the iceberg, staying healthy is more difficult to achieve than that. How difficult? Well, not really. If you have self-discipline, you’ll find it as easy as eating an apple. Here are the things that you need to do everyday in order to stay healthy.
Exercise. It doesn’t mean that going to the gym is mandatory. When we say “exercise” it could mean anything from staying on the move to avoiding a sedentary lifestyle. If it is just two blocks away, don’t drive, walk. Don’t use the escalator, use the stairs. If you can spare the weekends for it, enjoy some sports; a little tennis or basketball with your family is great for your physical and mental health.
Avoid stress. Or should we say, reduce stress? Yes, stress is unavoidable, we come face to face with it everyday, especially in the workplace. If we can’t avoid stress, probably we can do some things to help reduce it or to lessen its effect on us. There are many stress busters that you can do easily: you can spend an hour or two watching movies with your family at night before bed; you can read a good book or two each each week; listen to good music; play a little video game every once in a while; make love to your partner.
Stop smoking. This is difficult. Smokers find it really difficult to stop smoking, but you should stop now if you want to stay healthy.
Avoid alcohol. I am not saying that you should say no to alcohol, you can have a beer every once in a while. Occasional drinking is not really bad for your health, what makes drinking bad is when you do it excessively.
Eat well. Eating well is not just eating as much food as you can have. Eating well means having the right food. Avoid fats, get a lot of vegetables in your diet. Eat fruits. As much as possible avoid eating processed foods.
The above tips are just some of the basic things that you can follow in order to stay healthy. If you have self-discipline, staying healthy is really not that difficult to achieve.

Just to add on the above points, getting a good sleep also contributes to staying healthy. At least one should have an eight hours sleep everyday. This not only rests your mind but it also relaxes your body after a long day work. Another important aspect of staying healthy is smiling, it might seem stupid but someone who smiles most of the time is much healthier than someone who always has a frowning face.