Team Baby | Health Eagle

Team Baby

by Lori Sciame November 2nd, 2014 | Health Observance, Relationships
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pregnant belly (1280x853)The time to think about having a healthy baby begins long before conception.  The mother-to-be must give up bad habits, must be in good physical condition, and she must consume a nutritious diet before she becomes pregnant in the first place.  But women aren’t the only one in the relationship who needs to prepare. Dad needs to jump on board “team baby” as well.

Bad Habits = Bad Outcomes

The quickest way to ensure a baby will not be born healthy: keep smoking, and drink as much alcohol as you want. This goes for BOTH mom and dad.  Studies prove that women who smoke and drink while pregnant inflict damage on their unborn child.

But men who also partake in these bad habits can harm their future children too.  Studies prove that men who smoke cigarettes and who consume alcohol actually damage their sperm.  Instead of having large heads and long tails, the sperm of men who smoke may have two heads!  Not conducive for conception, right?  Also, some studies assert that men who smoke may increase his child’s chances of cancer.

Too Much Weight = Too Much Risk for Baby

Besides giving up smoking and drinking before beginning a family, potential parents need to focus on losing weight if they are obese.  The reason: babies with obese mothers have a higher chance of being born premature, of being stillborn, and of being born with defects of the brain and the spine (National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Disease).

In a loving relationship, the father-to-be will support his partner in her efforts to lose weight before becoming pregnant.  Together they can begin an exercise program, including activities such as walking or biking.  Even if the man is not overweight, he needs to be aware that a healthy new son or daughter may depend on his wife’s physical size during the pregnancy.

Not Enough Nutrition = Not Enough Building Blocks for Growth

Another factor in a healthy birth outcome revolves around proper nutrition. To make sure a baby will grow properly, begin eating a healthy diet many months before trying to become pregnant.  This includes consuming lots of raw fruits and vegetables and lean meats.  (A great resource for learning about proper nutrition is MyPlate.gov).

Once a woman is pregnant, she should also make sure that she consumes folic acid, calcium, and vitamin D. These substances ensure healthy bones, brain, and spinal cord (Mayo Clinic).

Men, it’s up to you to join your partner in consuming nutritious foods.  It wouldn’t make sense for mom to eat a salad, while dad hurts his heart by eating a diet that consists solely of fast food.

Another Team Member?

In addition to both partners being on “team baby,” another person needs to be added: a health care professional.  It’s always best to consult a physician or nurse practitioner early, even before a couple tries to become pregnant.  A health care professional will guide both mom and dad on the best course towards a healthy new family member.


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