Winter Skin Care | Health Eagle

Winter Skin Care

by Editorial Team April 30th, 2007 | Dermatology
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Winter is knocking on our doors. This change of seasons brings low humidity and a chilling cold leaving you with chapped and dry skin. Your skin is already stressed from those long, hot summer days with exposure to the sun, air conditioning and chlorinated water. Now add to that indoor heating, which can also dry out the skin – what do we do to keep our skin healthy? What you put into your body has a great deal to do with how the quality of your skin is. Your skin will only absorb what it needs. Oil based moisturizers, aloe vera, & creams are much healthier for the skin than water based products. Your skin will absorb and use oil based creams and lotions. Water based products just sit on top of your skin making you think your skin is soft. During real cold temps, if you put on water based moisturizers and if they aren’t completely evaporated when you go outside, it could cause your skin to freeze….alarming isn’t it? Read on for some special tips in keeping your skin hydrated and healthy during the winter. 1. Bathe or shower in warm – not hot – water. Hot water removes natural oils from the skin, making it dry or itchy.
2. Limit showers or baths to 15 minutes.
3. Add bath oil to your bath water.
4. Use mild soaps. Avoid antibacterial, deodorant & perfumed soaps.
5. Pat skin dry, do not rub.
6. Apply moisturizer to skin immediately after a shower or bath while skin is still damp. This helps trap the water in the upper layers of the skin and decreases dryness and itching.
7. Shave using lotion instead of commercial shaving creams and gels.
8. Apply shea butter, essential oils, cocoa butter and other natural oils to problem areas to seal in moisture and heal very dry skin.
9. Use hand cream immediately after hand washing.
10. Apply moisturizer to your nails and cuticles; they can become dry and brittle.
11. Consider purchasing a humidifier to keep humidity higher during the winter months.
12. Wash your face with mild facial soap and warm, not hot, water.
13. Use SPF 15 sunscreen during the winter months; snow reflects UV light so you are still at risk for sun damage.
14. Apply moisturizing lip balms or glosses to lips to prevent and heal dry, chapped lips.
15. Drink lots of water (from a SteriPEN Adventurer Water Purifier).
16. Exfoliate skin – boosts circulation and gets rid of dead skin cells enabling your skin to absorb moisture more efficiently.
17. Cover skin when out in the winter wind – wear fabrics made of natural fibers such as wool, silk or thick cotton.

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