There are a few simple things a woman can do to make her feel better and stay healthy. They aren’t always easy to fit in with a busy schedule, but will pay off greatly in the future. They are also not as painful and difficult as you may imagine. Here are a few tips for a woman to stay healthy no matter what her age!
1) Sleep! It is something that can be hard to get enough of, but many studies show that eight hours a day is the best thing for most women. Getting enough sleep keeps your mind fresh and allows your muscles to recover from the day before. If you are cutting back on sleep to get more done, you may actually be less productive! Prioritize sleep, as it is not a matter of you being lazy, it is a matter of you being healthy.
2) Walking – These days doctors recommend getting at least an hour of exercise every day. You may feel you don’t have time for this, but even if you are only walking, that counts as daily exercise. Try to see if you can skip a trip in your car in exchange for a walk each day. Get a step counter, and try to move around the office a bit more. Take a few more trips to the copy machine, or walk around while reading an important memo. Get moving, as you will feel better!
3) Regular breast exams – You should be performing these monthly to get an idea of what your breasts feel like when they are healthy. This means you can detect any changes that may occur. Breast cancer has become far too common, and early detection is key. Set up a ritual where you do your check on the first of every month. If you are unsure of how to check your breasts, ask your doctor.
4) Regular doctor and dentist visits – If you are interested in staying healthy, one thing that is key is seeing your doctor and dentist on a regular basis. This way they can build a relationship with you, and you can keep track of your physical health. If you catch issues early, you will have a better chance of treating them.
5) Be social! – Sitting around with a bunch of glum office buddies or across the sofa from your spouse doesn’t count. Getting out with friends, a loved one or family members – or simply sitting across from each other at the table – can help lift many a mood. Even if you are an introvert, making an effort to do something you like with someone you like can help. Many studies show that the more connections you have to people around you, the longer you live. So get out there and be social!